If people can eat pig meat why dont they eat DOG meat?!

Question: If people can eat pig meat why dont they eat DOG meat!?
if you eat meat you should have no problems with the consumption of other animals like rabbits, dogs, cats and the like!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

everyone that complains are just hypocrites!. you only call them pets because you keep them alive!. people consider chicken and other farm animals pets but still they eat them!.
the only thing i dont agree with is how they kill the poor animals!.!. apparently the more adrenaline the more tastier and this involves skinning the animal alive and boiling them :(Www@FoodAQ@Com

In the United States, it is considered a social taboo to eat dogs or other animals traditionally considered to be pets or companion animals!. Many westerners think that people that eat dog meat are eating dogs like our pets - but that is not true!. The dogs that are eaten are bred for that purpose - just like we have different cattle for breeding, dairy, and meat!.

There are exceptions; rabbits are a pet and a meal in the West, as you pointed out!. Duck also comes to mind!. Different cultures, different religions, equal different tastes and acceptance!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

People all over the world eat all kinds of animals!. But I would think historically some were easier to catch than others, a cow easier to kill than a wolf!.

also, I have heard that animals who eat plants taste better than animals who eat meat!. But it all boils down to availability, cultural customs and taste!.

I don't have a problem with it if someone else wants to eat it, I just don't want to because of my culture!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, When I lived in USA, I ate snake, whale, and chocolate covered ants and bumblebees!. BTW you can buy frozen rabbit meat in New Jersey supermarkets!. Oh - and in Europe, horse meat is a common type of food!.

Here in Philippines I ate Sisig Aso (from dog) which was a heck of a lot better tasting than the regular (baboy) sisig from pig!. I also ate balut (half formed ducklings still in the shell), grilled squid on a stick, grilled chicken and pig intestines, frogs, snails, and the greatest delicacy of all (ugh) fried field rat!.

I'll try anything once ~ more than once depends on the taste!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah you are right! It is quite simple really!. You either eat meat or not, all this meat snobbery is nonsense!.

It is just because you are born in certain part of the world where it is acceptable to chicken and cow meat, that you have got a right to say yuck to someone from another culture who eats dogs!

Every meat eater should be open minded to meat of different animals in other countries, apart from if they are restricted because of religous reasons!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yea I agree!. In Vietnam and Laos they do eat dogs!. In Laos I think they also ate cats!.I never tried either cos my daughter would have hated me forever!.
I used to eat rabbit when I was a kid, it was nice, again I couldn't eat it now cos of my daughter!.
The Japs say the same about us eating cows and them eating whales!. I totally disagree with killing whales cos I've seen them in the wild and there is something very, very special about them, hard to describe, you feel there's an intelligence and a kindness in them that humanity would do well to emulate!. I know the Africans and S Americans eat monkeys and I think that is horrible cos they're so like us, it's almost like cannibalism to me!.
But meat is meat is meat!. What's acceptable on one culture is unacceptable in another!. also poverty has a big part to play especially if you go to places like China and Cambodia, they got used to eating whatever the hell they could get their hands on!.
Let's face it the world would be a lot better place if we were all vegetarians!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I believe meat consumption is based a lot on culture!. For example, in the United States, dogs are primarily pets; whereas pigs are raised primarily for slaughter!. In other countries, these two animals' rolls may be reversed!.

It's hard for anyone to imagine eating their pet Froufrou--no matter what species it is!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

A lot of you are quick to point out I don't eat domestic animals like dogs or cats or whatever animals you think are raise as such like family friendly!. If you think about it, if you raise animal to be friendly around people they will become like a member of the family, whether it be pigs, rabbits, birds, cows, lion, tigers, ostrich, an elephant etc!. However, since we live in different parts of the world, food availability, religions, and culture comes into what we consume as our daily diet!. So to say it's gross if you don't eat certain type of animal/meat might be acceptable for another country or culture!. In India, a lot of the population are vegan/vegetarian for them to even think that some people could eat meat of any kinds would be abomination!. For example, cows are considered sacred and treated with admiration!. To even think that someone could kill and eat it, it would be like us saying how cruel or disgusting!. Oh, besides some of the animals mentioned here, that's not all the animals we human consumed!. The list could be endless!. Since human have been in alive, we pretty much consume just about anything, except the poisonous food, that if we don't want to kill ourselves!. Let say that in the states, we don't have anymore cattles (live stock, fish or whatever else ) to provide protein for our body beside legumes, nuts or vegetables!. That if you don't want to give up eating meat!. The only protein or meat we have available would be bears!. Don't you think we would start eating those bears!. Think about it!. I think I better stop, I could write on and on!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

A!. We primarily do not eat other carnivores!. Carnivore meat tends to have a bad taste, and is usually stringy as the muscles tend to be more adapted to speed!.

B!. most societies don't eat their best friends!. The west has a long tradition of symbiosis with dogs, that has created a cultural taboo against eating them!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

in china they do! and rabbit is often consumed in england!.it's all a matter of culture and what is deemed acceptable in different countries!. here cats and dogs are seen as pets, pigs and cows are for eating!. whereas in different cultures and religions dogs are a source of food and the cow is sacred! personally i believe that vegetarianism is the best option!Www@FoodAQ@Com

In western culture, there are animals raised for company such as dogs and cats, and the ones raised for their meat, such as rabbits, cows, chickens and pigs!. In other cultures, cows are sacred, and dogs and cats raised for their meat, so I guess it is just a matter of where you live!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I absolutely love rabbit, Never tried cat ,But I'm not sure as I have been to some asian countries & eaten there , I have also eaten dog in Hong Kong , It wasn't too bad has a peanuty flavour, Camel is nice actually once you've eaten camel you would not go back to beef, Young water buffallo is also good, I like ostrich & emu not real keen on croc to tough but haven't tried gineau pig our fruit bat yet but plenty of time, You should try some , Biro!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Some people do eat dog, and really I have no problem with that!. Personally, though, I wouldn't want to eat a carnivorous animal!. I'll eat domestically raised pork because they don't rely on meat as their main food, but dogs, cats, wild boar, and other carnivores, no thanks!.
Rabbit is yummy, though!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Many people eat rabbit!. Dog and cat are less rare, but not unheard of!. In asian countries, dog and cat are delicacies!. But in North America, other animals (deer, sheep, pig) have always been much more availabe, easier to hunt, and more preservable than dog meats!. So noone ever thought to eat his dog!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

who says we humans dont,

in certain parts of the world (which i'll leave unmentioned, because theres a few billion of them, wouldnt want to offend!. lol)

they eat, cats, dogs, horses, donkeys, rats, even birds nests that are made out of spit!.

you name it, and it's being eaten somewere, trust me!. we just been sissyfied into eating expensive things, and looking down on anything diffrent!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i love how vegetarians/vegans are so quick to put meat-eaters into a box!. like it's that simple!. give me a break!.

and to answer your question, some people do eat dogs!. i have never seen this in the west though!. maybe they do it because there are not many other sources of protein where they live, or MAYBE it just tastes good!


Well, the reality is that somewhere people are eating dogs - just not at my house-lol!. I just ordered 2 rabbits for a dinner party i am having in November!. different cultures eat different meats!. Watch survivor and you will be reminded of this-lol!. have a great day!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

somepeople think its not humanly!. cause we see these animals as domesticated pets and something for human companionship!. as for cows and such we seem them as a source of food for centuries!. its hard to break the opinions of which people see things!. but now a days we kill animals as WANTS not needs!.!.!.!.sadlyWww@FoodAQ@Com

I don't eat dog meat because i choose not to!. And yes, in some places people do all types of different animals ,but not me (well, i hope i'm not eating the other animals) and i will not try to speak for anyone else!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

People do eat dog meat!. Just not here!. I have been to places (in the US) that serve rabbit!. There's also the whole speciesism thing, where we see some animals as friends and some as food!. also, not everyone eats cow!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Dog meat is actually rather nice, but it must be prepared accordingly!. As it is a 'heaty' meat we don't eat it that often here!.

I had python last night, wild boar, and sting ray!. Happy eating, from Borneo Www@FoodAQ@Com

well!.!.!.!.!.!.in India !.!.!.!.Hindus do eat rats; and yet there is a temple dedicated to worship the dirtier than all dirty animals!.!.!.!.simply,because of the capacity to spread plague that has wiped millions over centuries!.


People do eat dog meat!. Mostly in Korea and China, but they are specially bred dogs, not just any dog!. And some people also eat rabbits!. Not so sure about cats though!. People have their opinions, and they should be respected!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

if it was available in the shops at a reasonable price i`d try it!. There`s a butcher nearby selling all sorts of exotic meats but at exotic prices !.Kangaroo and Ostrich taste fine but prime beef is cheaper so i`ll stick to streaky bacon!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

people in korea do eat dog!. its not legal herre or im sure ppl would!. and many people eat rabbit squirrels bear deer moose birds and people that are starving do eat things like rats mice, insects, etc!.

god make meat for a reason!.

For most, a dog is a pet or a part of the family and pigs are not!. Would you eat one of your family members!? I would think not!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Some people don't eat pig meat either!.!.!.!.!.

um i guess, to answer your question, it's because those animals are domesticated, they're not working animals, they're sort of like friends!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Actually in China they do eat meat from dogs!.
In our western world it's just an educational or behavioural affair!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Pigs, cows, chickens are cattle!. Cats, dogs!.!.are domestic animals!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

People don't like eating these kinds of animals because they are popular pets and who would want to be eating a dog while looking at one!. In some countries they eat that meat though!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Some people do eat dog meat but you have to ask youself this, Do you eat dog meat!? If you dont then really you should have your answerWww@FoodAQ@Com

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