Does quaker original oatmeal have any flavor in it?!

Question: Does quaker original oatmeal have any flavor in it!?
or do i need to add sugar or something to it!? it's been a long time since i've had oatmeal but my parents bought me some to take to school with me!. also will adding milk make it taste better than water!? thanks =}Www@FoodAQ@Com

Add something,anything as it is really blah, Brown sugar is good, also cinnamon and bits of a fresh apple or banana!. Spice it up!. Milk gives it more substance but not really flavor per se!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you are opposed to eating lots of sugar or sweetener, a great way to add flavor to any hot cereal is cooking it in water laced with vanilla and cinnamon!. I used to do that for my diabetic husband and he hardly needed any sweetener than since it tasted pretty decent already!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Yeah; it tastes just like oats!. The idea is that you can flavor it to taste and even taste the side dishes, too!. Would cooking it in milk make it taste better than adding milk!? Probably not, since milk would coat the grains with milk fat and make it both undercooked and gooey!. Yeck!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Check on the package, but I think "original" is just plain oatmeal!.
And I add the milk after I make it (with water)!. Sugar, brown sugar, or maple syrup is always a good thing!. And maybe some raisins and/or cinnamon!.

No, that's why I like to add some milk or soy milk, honey and some butter to it after it's cooked!. Fruit is excellent to add also!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

original oatmeal by itself is pretty much tasteless so i like adding milk and honey and a pinch of sugar!. it makes it sweeter and thicker!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

adding milk will add more flavor and make it rich!. you will want to sweeten it with sugar or cinnamon or try jelly or jam!. I like strawberry jam or a little maple syrupWww@FoodAQ@Com

The taste of plain oatmeal is very bland!. Like cardboard!. Adding honey or sugar, raisins, Cinnamon and evaporated milk makes it the hot cereal that people eat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No!. I put honey, or jelly, or fruit in it!. Otherwise, it is like eating paste (which some people actually like)Www@FoodAQ@Com

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