How should I have reacted to this? ?!

Question: How should I have reacted to this!? !?
I know this isn't the appropriate category in which to make this post, but I've always felt that a broad perspective helps me make better decisions!. So, I’m writing because I need advice about my son, a 14-year-old!. He came home from school yesterday with a slight limp, so I asked him what happened, thinking that he suffered an injury in gym or at practice!. To the contrary, he told me (albeit reluctantly) that he had been hit in the balls!. I asked what happened, he tried to dodge the question, I asked again, and finally he admitted that he had intentionally “grabbed” a girl's backside, and that she had kneed him!.

On one hand, I felt bad for him because he was in pain from the knee in the balls, but, on the other hand, I was furious with him because I didn’t raise him to treat women that way!. Quite simply, I was torn between A) sympathy and B) feeling as if he deserved it!.

I don't know!.

If you were in my position, how would you have reacted, and what would you have said to him!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Since he has already received summary punishment from the young lady, I don't believe further corporal punishment is called for at this time!.

Since he did honestly answer your request for information, that should somewhat mitigate punishment!.

Let me suggest that you tell him what punishment such behavior merits in your opinion!. Then tell him that since he was honest with you, half the sentence will be suspended!. However, a repeat of the offense will mean double punishment!.

Additionally, he should be made to apologize, publicly to the young lady!.

Between the bruised balls, the punishment at home, and the public apology, I believe they young fellow will learn that playing grab a-s-s with a young lady is totally unacceptable, unless she indicates that such behavior would be welcome!.


I would be furious at my son for thinking that would EVER be ok to grab anyone like that, but I'd be glad that *hopefully the girl in question* taught him a lesson!. Though I love my son, this is probably one of his great life lessons and I wouldn't interfere, except to say I was sorry he felt he could treat anyone like that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would have laughed and said that he learned a very valuable lesson!.!.!.!. grab girls ***, get a knee in the balls, the end!. Hopefully he only needs to have it happen once!.

why is this in the food and drink section!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

If it were your daughter who's backside had been grabbed, would you feel sympathy for the boy who did it!?

Quite franky, he deserved a knee in the balls and is very lucky her parents didn't take it further!.

At that age kids have to learn what is and what isn't acceptable behaviour - if they don't they'll carry it forward into their futures and in a few years time when he gets older, they'll slap a label on it called 'sexual harassment"!.

He needs to know, very clearly, that his behaviour was out of line and cannot happen again!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

You shouldn't feel sorry for him because he deserved it!. But you should feel sorry for him because, the poor guy, he's in so much pain!. You feel how you feel!. However you feel is OK!.

Just make sure he is OK!.

Usually injuries to the testicles do not cause permanent damage, but kidshealth!.org says, "If the pain doesn't subside or [he] experiences extreme pain that lasts longer than an hour; if [he has] swelling or bruising of the scrotum or a puncture of the scrotum or testicle; if [he continues] to have nausea and vomiting; or if [he develops] a fever, get to a doctor immediately!."

Whether you feel sorry for him or not, do tell him that grabbing a girl's behind is inappropriate!. He may have seen an adult do it, so he needs somebody he respects to tell him it's not OK just in case there's any doubt!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

He would have heard from me!. If my daughter told me that she'd kneed a guy in the crotch, I would've scolded her too!. Both actions are HIGHLY inappropriate!.

Your son owes the young lady an apology!. I'd suggest over the phone so you can confirm that he does it, but I do think in person would be better if you trust that he actually would apologize (and not get kneed again)!.

It's okay to feel sorry that someone is in pain, and it isn't acceptable (I think) to react with violence except to defend yourself from a physical attack!. But your son was out of line and he needs to know that what he did was unacceptable!. Explain why it is inappropriate to touch women that way, etc!. And let him know what consequences he'll face from you if he gets in trouble for being that disrespectful again!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

I personally would have read him the riot act!. He's 14 and should know better than to treat someone with such disrespect!. He's gotten a good punishment from the girl, he'll be lucky if he doesn't end up in trouble with his school, but he needs to hear from both mom and dad why this isn't appropriate, how it makes women feel to be treated in this way and be assured by him that it would not happen again!. I might even dole out my own punishment if I were you to really make this get through to him, maybe a couple weeks w/o cell phone, tv and computer!. Disrespecting another person in this manner is absolutely something at this age needs to be firmly abhorred and punished!. Too many teens forget the values they were taught and take up the behaviors of those around them, he needs to learn to live his life in the ways that's he's been taught by you regardless of who his friends are or what they're doing!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well, this is a stereotypical wish we all could do it when some man grabs our ***, but we have been matured by society and file papers and talk to supervisors about it!. but to our girlfriends we say "I wish i had just kicked him in the balls!." Well, this girl did, and you are his mother and so naturally you feel for him being injured but maybe this young girl did him a favor!. all the paper filing has not stopped the kind of sexual harassment we get from the grown men of our society, they simply know it won't do much to them!. but a good swift kick in tte balls one rememebers for a very long time, telling the story around the campfire, "that *****!." Maybe your son will have learned a valuable lesson from this and never be one of those men in the workplace we all want to get fired!. She may really have taught him a lesson!. i'm sorry it was such a well placed strike, keep an eye on him!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I know how tough that must be!.!.!. You are a woman yourself so I'm sure you know what it's like to be innappropriately grabbed, yet you are still his Mother!. How old is he!? If he keeps walking funny for a few days I would take him to the doctor!.!.!.!.There might be permanent damage!. I think you need to have a serious talk with him!. Don't yell at him because quite frankly he has already been punished by that girl, but he needs to know from you, just a confirmation, that sexual harassment will not be tolerated and if that were to happen to you or his sisters ( idk if he has any ) or his girlfriend, he would be irate and want to hurt the guy who did it!. So I think you should just talk to him and have his father talk to him as well!. I think you are doing the right thing by getting advice on here!. Good luck dear

Answer mine please!?

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