What exactly is MSG and what is it's relationship to food?!

Question: What exactly is MSG and what is it's relationship to food!?
I know it is used a lot in Chinese food and I've heard people request "no MSG" please when ordering, but I don't know what it is, does it do something for the flavor!? Why some poeple have an adversion to it!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

MSG stands for Monosodium Glutamate!. It’s basically a food additive that is intended to make flavors more pronounced and to help preserve them!. It’s also sometimes used as a food preservative or as an ingredient in commercial spice mixes!. It’s use is still very widespread, especially among the lower to medium grade spice mix brands!. Many Chinese restaurants now specifically state that their food is completely free of MSG!.

People have aversions to MSG for several reasons!. A couple of decades ago, MSG was thought to be linked to what came to by known by some as “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome!.” People who ate at Chinese restaurants and at other places that sold food with MSG added complained about a wide variety of unpleasant symptoms after eating!. These included slight chest discomfort, heartburn, and other disturbances along their gastrointestinal tract!. Although recent evidence has somewhat exonerated MSG from at least some of the symptoms, it remains a controversial issue!. On top of this, some people are allergic to MSG and need to avoid it entirely, as they can experience symptoms that are far more serious!.

Although MSG remains controversial due to some of the reactions it causes in the human body, more reliable studies have definitively linked it to unhealthy and undesirable consequences when it is consumed regularly or in moderate to very large amounts!.

MSG, or monosodium glutamate, is the white crystalline sodium salt of the amino acid Glutamic acid!. It's found in the proteins produced by fermentation!. It has a distinctively meaty taste by itself and is often used to enhance flavours in other foods, especially Chinese cooking and convenience foods!.

It is also called aji-no-moto, taste powder, gourmet powder, ve tsin!. It's an e-number and it's number is E621!.
It is not licenced for use throughout the EU!.

MSG is linked with things like hyperactivity in children, and common skin complaints!. Because it is a salt it is also not good for you, and some people will object to it for religious reasons as it is derived from fermentation!.

MSG (monosodium glutamate) is a flavor additive in many foods, especially Chinese food!. A lot of people have bad reactions to it, including respiratory reactions!. It also can make you very thirsty and it is obviously high in sodium, a problem for people controlling their blood pressure!. As a result, many people ask to have it left out!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

most answers here are correct, however, i'd like to clear the bad name for chinese restaurants!. you can find MSG exist in many other food, such as chips and a lot of snacks and western food!. it is a flavor enhancer!. unfortunately, it made famous by chinese restaurants!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It is mono-sodium glutamate!. This is a chemical that tricks your brain and makes food appear to taste better!.

Check out these sites to see the truth!.


Monosodium Glutimate (MSG) is a commercially produced flavor inhancer!. Many people are allergic to it, as I am!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

flavor enhancer

makes some people sick

accent seasoning is kinda the same thing

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