
Question: Need help!.!.!.asian!.!.!.dog!?
Today at lunch, one of my friends says that asian people eat dogs and now everybody is mad at me because im asian!. I told them that I like dogs and I wouldnt eat them!. What should I do!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tell them that some Europeans eat horses! Some French people still eat horsemeat, but that doesn't mean any other other Europeans, or even all French people, eat horse! All English people would be revolted at the thought of eating horse!

Some Chinese and Koreans eat dog!. I don't know about China, but in Korea I believe some men (but no women) eat a specially bred type of dog, and only at a particular time of year!.

Asia is a large continent, and it's ignorant as well as racist for your friends to assume that just because some men in one or two Asian countries do something, everyone in Asia does it!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well first of all they should be ashamed of themselves because they are being very raciest!. They're assuming because some Asian cultures eat dog, that you being Asian would also eat dog!. That is stupid and not even logical!. That's like saying because some tribes in Papaua New Guinea ate people years ago, that someone who's relatives are from there are cannibals!.

Second, why mad at you!? You don't eat dogs, and you aren't responsible for those who do!. I'd say get mad back at them, because they're in the wrong and you did nothing for them to get mad at you for!.

If they're still mad at you after pointing that out, get some new friends!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i know that my answer will get a lot of thumbs down!. but isn't eating a chicken or a cow similar if not the same concept as eating a dog!. forgive me dog lovers, but aren't you being hypocritical if you were to eat meat in general!. did you know that pigs has the same intelligence as dogs and cats, as well as chickens!. what makes us humans decide that it is a taboo that eating dogs is bad!.

now i myself am a vegan!. i dont want to push people to being a vegan, but i do want to tell people that they are big hypocrites!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well first of all what kind of Asian are you!?!?
You should tell them!.
And if you don't eat dogs say why would i eat a dog!?
Ask them would they eat a dog!?
Or just say that i wouldnt eat a dog because they are used as pets!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Ask him when's the last time he ate horsemeat, since Europeans (Whites) sometimes eat horse, and if he's Caucasian, he therefore must eat horse too!.

Take the opportunity to show him that stereotypes are stupid and hurtful!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

jeez your friends are being rude!. just because your asian doesn't mean that YOU eat dogs!.
tell your friends to stop or something on the lines of that!.

forge them, girl dont listen to them they know it is NOT TRUE its a rumor forget them!. make something up about there culture but i wouldnt try cause drama is coming! Www@FoodAQ@Com

Always be yourself regardless of the situation, if people do not like you for who you are then they are not your friends!. Stay cool hey!Www@FoodAQ@Com

dog taste good!.
just tell them that ur normal and taht your dont like dog!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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