now that i got your attention, do any of you know how to make a good tea for when your sick!.

i'm asking the latinos, but anyone can answer!. i directed this to them because i'm mexican, and my parents and grand parents know how to make some teas for when one is sick!. I'm guessing its a cultural thing!.

so, what are your herbs for your tea!.

my family uses lemon, honey, and something else!.

another one is gordo lobo and something else, i for got

another one has those purple onions, lemon, and i for got what else!.

I’m not looking for the rest of the recipies, I can just ask my mom!. I just would like to know some more, I’ll sick!.

i think i got the flu, but it would still be awsome to learn some new teas!. So the one that lists the most teas, for illnesses, will win!.

i'll figure out the full recipies, an e-mail them to all of you that answer the question seriously!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

1) Cinnamon tea with honey and lemon!.

2) Ginger tea with honey and lime!.

3) A whole Onion(gold)+the wooden middle from nuts+little dry or fresh tymian =boiled about 20 min!.
Add some honey!.That's very good for cought!.
4)Echinaceea tea with honey,lemon and a few drops of Propolis(that's a been product)
5)Syrup from fir buds!.Just like it is!.
6)"The lyers"tea(Patlagina)-sorry,I don't know usualy name!.

A big point:
Somebody told me to have a hot bath,to drink a hot glass of red wine and to take a drop of aspyrine!.
And!.!.!.to keep compresses of "hot belly"!

Manzanilla is the most common but if you want an education about all thats available visit a herberia in Mexico!. Tell them your problem and they can select from hundreds or a combination of herbs for whatever ails ya!. Not all of the herbs are approved for FDA use so you may not be able to get them back across!. Here on the border many people will visit a herberia even before going to see a doctor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Black and Cuban

When sick (cold)!.!.!.mommy would make us hot tea with lemon and put a starlight pepperment in it!.

If you had the runs!.!.!.she would make a mixture of Karo syrup and flour!.!.!.it would clear it up really fast!.

If you were consipated she would make you some green tea with ground cloves and eptome salt!.!.!.that would give you the runs so bad!.!.!.you would have to drink the Karo syrup and flour stuff to make it stop!.

Mommy always has some weird concoction for sickness!.!.!.which is funny because she's a R!.N!.!.!.she would only take us to the E!.R if something was broke!.!.!.LOLWww@FoodAQ@Com

When I was growing up and got sick my mom always gave me Manzanilla tea with a little honey and a few drops of whiskey, you can find the tea in any mexican store!. It'll be where all those packages of dried herbs and chiles are sold!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

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