How do you eat natto?!

Question: How do you eat natto!?
I cooked some rice, mixed vinegar, sauce and a raw egg with the natto and packet of sauce it comes with and added all that in with the rice and the whole thing was liquidy and the natto tasted horrible even after all this preparation!. What went wrong!? Why did it taste so bad!? I couldn't eat it at all!. It was like soup gone bad!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Natto Instructions for the Determined Foreigner:

Step 1: Open natto package
Step 2: Use chopsticks to beat natto into frothy mass
Step 3: Place frothy mass atop bowl of rice
Step 4: Using spare hand to pinch nose, shovel natto/rice into mouth
Step 5: DO NOT release nose; chew and swallow!. Try not to grimmace!.
Step 6: Repeat Steps 4-5!.

True, there are other ways of preparing natto!. However, I've yet to try one that kept natto from tasting like natto!. Generally I keep away from the stuff!.

!.!.!.I remember I added mustard once!. It didn't help!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Natto is fermented beans!. It smells bad and is definitely an acquired taste!. You either love it or can't stand to be in the same room with it!.

also, natto is prepared by itself!. Not all mixed together with rice and definitely no vinegar!. Once prepared, properly, it is served over a bowl of hot rice!.

We usually mix the natto with the flavor packet and mustard (which come with the natto), an egg yolk (only), finely chopped green onions, katsuo bushi (dried fish flakes), and slivered nori (processed seaweed)!.
You can add extra shoyu (soy sauce) or other flavorings to taste!.


Maybe nothing went wrong!. It's an aquired taste!.!.!. pretty stinky stuff!. you can do a lot of things with it if you happen to like it!.

stir fried with rice, egg, scallions, karashi, soy sauce, and cut up korean seaweed
-mixed with sliced raw okra, quail egg yolk, katsuoboshi, karashi, sauce packet it comes with, and sliced green onions!.
put all of this on top of some fresh white rice and pick it up with squares of korean seaweed!.
cubed radish kimchi ( whole radish kimchi + their tops diced up), karashi, sauce packet, katsuoboshi, on top of fresh rice and picked up with korean seaweedWww@FoodAQ@Com

Natto is an acquired taste!. I had it as a kid, and still absolutely LOVE it; my favorite breakfast!

I use it as a topping over warm rice!. Take your thawed Natto styrofoam packet ( I can only get it frozen at our Walmart in Missouri) and dump it into a small bowl; add the mirin packet and hot mustard packet that came with the Natto!. I add a little soy sauce too [maybe a little rice vinegar!.!.!.]!. Then mix/stir/beat it about 25 times until blended and slightly runny!. Then dump it over the bowl of warm rice!. The idea is too get a bit a rice and a bit of Natto in each forkful!. The ratio of natto mixture to rice is maybe 1 packet of natto to 3-4 cups (large cereal bowl) of cooked rice!. It is wonderfully slimy and the natto makes 'spider webs' when eating!. It's not just food-it's fun!

In the morning, I don't add green onions (stinky breath at work), but I will if I'm eating Natto/rice on the weekends!. also I don't add raw egg; that a separate morning dish!.

Take a raw egg and blend with a little soy sauce-stir until slightly frothy, then dump over a bowl of hot rice!. The idea is too have something easy, cheap, wet and salty to season rice, and add protein to start the day!. I've (and kids) been doing this for decades and never worried about salmonella!.

I used to eat it quite often when I was a chef and worked for a Canadian managed hotel in Tokyo, it is not suppose to be to runny, I buy it here in Toronto Canada, it has the natto, soya sauce, mustard and seasonings in the containers, it all depends on the brand, it should be a bit thickish and not to runny, but once you mix everything in the bowl it will liquefy as a result of the ingredients, and as the first person said, it is an acquired taste, I happen to love, as I am a big stinky cheese fan to so nothing is bad in my mind!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i don't eat the stuff!. but i know people who do and i usually see them eat it with green onions and shoyu(soy sauce) and tofu with a bowl of hot rice!. you have to be a person who can eat anything!. because its stinky and slimey!. i think that you probably had to much liquid in it!. like the vinegar and too much sauce!. try adding the vinegar and sauce as you need!. if its not enough add more then maybe it won't be so runny!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

probably vinegar was extra!.
and an egg was too big for the portion of natto!.
quail egg would be perfect!.

vinegar is not traditionally added to natto!.
only liquid is syoyu or tare comes with natto!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

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