Do you know how to tell what country your food comes from?!

Question: Do you know how to tell what country your food comes from!?
For your Information !.!.!. the first 3 digits of the barcode is the country code wherein the product was made!.

Sample: all barcodes that start with 690 up to 695 are MADE IN CHINA!. 471 is Made in Taiwan

This is our right to know, but the government and related departments never educate the public, therefore we have to INFORM ourselves!.

Nowadays, Chinese businessmen know that consumers do not prefer products 'made in china', so they don't show from which country it is made!.

However, you may now refer to the barcode, remember if the first 3 digits is 690 to 695, then it is Made in China !.

00 ~ 13 USA & CANADA
30 ~ 37 FRANCE
40 ~ 44 GERMANY
49 ~ JAPAN
50 ~ UK
57 ~ Denmark
64 ~ Finland
76 ~ Switzerland and Liechtenstein
471 ~ Taiwan
480 - 489 ~ Philippines
628 ~ Saudi-Araba
629 ~ United Arab Emirates
690 - 695 ~ China
740 ~ 745 - Central Www@FoodAQ@Com

WOW! I never knew this information before!. I do try to buy my veggies local at the farmers market and I save in the freezer what I can for the winter months ,but I could not believe what I am seeing! I went to Food Lion the other day and they have a huge sign that says their meat comes from USA and Mexico!. MEXICO!?!?!? I was upset and my friend did not see why I was so upset!. I told her meat should come from here not overseas we do not know what is going on overseas!. Anyway I also heard that they were going to start growing meat in a test tube and that USDA did not think we had to know this!. I will tell you this everyone I do not know about you ,but the day my food is grown from a test tube is the day I quit eating meat!. Period!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Our system is better :P it says Country of Origon on all the food!.!.!. or somtimes it will just say MADE IN SIDE THE EU

I think in Europe it IS the law they have too say What is inside the food, what COULD be inside the food for alergies, where the food was made & where the products inside it came from

E!.G a pot of honey could say!.!.!. made with %52 Spanish Honey, %48 Other honey inside E,UWww@FoodAQ@Com

I went to the best meat/fish market in our city!. Been to many shops and I can not purchase any Shrimp that was caught in American Waters!. Everywhere I go, it says raised in Thialand!. The Shrimp is excellent, but why can't American Fishermen,, supply our Shrimp !?!?!? Do you suppose the American Shrimp is sold in Thialand and marked as: Raised in America !?!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I didn't know that! Thanks for sharing that with us! I really appreciate it and I will start reading all the food I buy now! I knew a lot of dog food came from China, but I never paid attention to the bar codes!.
Thanks again!. I'm going to email this to my daughter and everyone I know on my email!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I have saved this for future use because I did not know this!. It won't take me long to memorize it!. Thank you again for outstanding research!. Keep fighting the good fight!. America is worth it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I didn't know that, and I sure appreciate you sharing this information!. I'm going to make a copy of it and keep it in my purse when I go to the grocery store!. Thank you for staying on top of things for us! God bless you!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Great information!. I try to buy all of my food as locally as possible!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Thanks!.Inquiring minds want to know!.
I printed this out and will post it in my kitchen as a reference guide until I have it memorized!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Wow! i actuali had no idea!.!.!.very interestingWww@FoodAQ@Com

this is ok I guess, but on my bottle of Root beer fresh off the line form Faygo Pop Company on Gratoit in Detroit, MI and the bar code is

so if I am Reading the code right it is not made here in the states!? I am starting after the first zero because the zero's in bar codes are a dummy number that is used to fool the computer system the reason is that not all computers pick up the 1st number

now I AM confuse I just check a can of vegetable beef soup form Campbell's
and the bar code numbers are 051000012319 and it is a american company, does it mean the product inside the CAN is form an foreign source!?

the bar codes that most retailers use like Value city , Tj maxx K-mart use a barcode system that tell the main offices which products are selling
Value City had used 40,41,43,,44,45,46,47,48,48, for their children's dept!.

I want to know where did you find list!?
I work with inventory control and I have never heard of it,, I really want to know where my food comes form ,

thank you,
I am just very alarm of late and very careful on what to believe or not to believe !.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Then to think how far things have to travel to get to here!. ICK!.!.!.!.not to mention YUCK!.!.!.LOL
I had no idea!. Why in the world do we need to get so many things from outside the Country!? Did we take up that much land with buildings, that we cannot grow our own food, and raise our own cattle and chickens etc!.!? USA is heading to nothing but a CEMENT Country!.!.!.LOL Just being a bit sarcastic here since we can't seem to fend for ourselves!. :-)
Thank you for the tip here!. I will certainly be more careful of what I buy, and where it comes from!.!.!.!.!.ewe!.!.!.and I just went to WalMart yesterday too!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

You mean to say I have been doing it wrong!? All this time I have been looking at the brown or red skin and for the slanted eyes on my potatoes!.See if my Oaring had an iny or an outy navel!.And size of ears of my Corn!.Or see if the cucumber has wort's!.Usual I look at the Label where it seas Manufactured in!. Or distributed in!.It dos make me nerves to know all the stuff soled by Pep Boys is made in China where it is legal to use asbestos's!.VolksWagen is made in Mexico!.Or International Harvester is made in Canada!.Toyota,Nissan,Mitsubishi,and Mazda!.Are all now manufactured in the U!.S!. Saturate,is Toyota!.Ford is Mazda!.Mitsubishi is Dodge!.Whats wrong with a little led in the paint on our grand kids toys!.It didn't bother us when we wore kids!.Such Great famous people came out of our generation,Like All Bondy,Churls Manson Gerry Arther Bishop,Gerry Glamor,Osama Bin laden,John McCain,and Georg W!.Bush!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

that's true, but in many cases you will never know where it come from!
example; this meat packing company that I used to be Quality assurance manager, we were processing great products for big companies such as Cargill, but Wall Mart push and squeeze us to much so the company ended up looking for 'better' alternatives, like importing meat from Australia, New Zealand, Uruguay, etc
we ended up doing bacteriological test rather than quality test!
now the bar code you see in your finished product belong to the processing plant and will never show up which Country is coming from
fortunately that company has not Union and distributors or retailers said a word about that, so they keep employing hundreds of Americans instead of just keep a corporate office and import the whole product as many did already! and that's when you could know where you food came from! so what do you prefer!? Www@FoodAQ@Com

Thanks for the info!. I didn't know all that!. It really buggs me that most of the stuff we buy is from some foreign place!.At the local Winco I looked in the fish section and it was like looking at a list of U!.N!. membership!.Crab from Rissia, Shrimp from Thailand and so on!.The last I heard this stuff is highly perishable!. what the heck did they do to keep it "fresh" to ship it half way around the planet and then to Reno!?I understand freezng and all that but really, what's so hard about getting foods from American suppliers!? Do we really NEED watermelon in the dead of winter!? I think we have had enough warnings about food and lead poisoned toys from China to just quit getting stuff from there!.
Here's a thought, how about hiring American workers to make stuff HERE instead!? I have nothing against the Chinese people, I just like Americans better!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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