How long does it take to make Sushi?!

Question: How long does it take to make Sushi!?
I have sushi Rice, Rice Vinegar, Nori, King Prawns and Cucumber!.

Have ii got all the ingredients i would need to make basic Sushi!?

also, how long would it take to prepare the rice, and also to roll the sushi!?

Is an hour long enough!?

thank you in advance for any help


-rice usuallytakes 15-20mins depending on the amount you using
-rolling the sushi takes 5 mins each depending on the amount of filling and your level
-slicing and arranging takes 10mins depending how you want to garnish it and present it

boil the rice til its tender and still not raw

its consistency looks mushy but dont worry once it starts to cool a bit it will set!.wen its cooling keep stiring one direction adding the vinegar, sugar and salt!.then put it aside for it to cool down!.

getting a bambo sushi mat, lay the nori sheet on

get a spoon and sccop rice on the nori, spreading it evenly right to the edges and corners!. make sure you its even on the edges otherwise you will hve weak ends once its rolled!.

place strips of your chosen ingredients horizontally about an inch away from you

taking thumb under the bamboo mat along the nori, lift and push forward the mat towards the filling!. im sure you can search up how to roll sushi :D

once its done, it should be one long sausage roll!.the rice will stick to the nori to seal it!.if not u can use a little water!.

the ends of the roll may vary depending whether if you had evenly spreaded the rice at the end!. if it is even then you wont have a flimsy end!.

anyways once you done roll sushi rolls, get a hot moistured knife and slice directly down on the chopping board to sushi sizes

then just arrange the sushi sizes with the filling facing upWww@FoodAQ@Com

Maki sushi, is a roll of fish/sea food with rice wrapped in nori(seaweed)!. Two variations of the maki sushi are:
Futomaki - "fat maki", the bigger form of this type, usually made with two or more different fillings!.
Hosomaki - "thin maki", made with only one filling, usually fish or seafood, but may also be a single vegetable!. For instructions how to make it, see our full guide on:


i make korean sushi, (kimbap) and it normally takes me from 1 hour or more, depending on how many you are making!.

its worth it though! Scrumptious! Www@FoodAQ@Com

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