Would it be bad to eat nothing but meatballs for a year? I love meatballs?!

Question: Would it be bad to eat nothing but meatballs for a year!? I love meatballs!?
Well since your tom skiffington!. It will fine!. you can do it in a jiffingtonWww@FoodAQ@Com

depends on the person!.!.!. for example!.!.!. a man with very small legs, very small arms, and very small everything for that matter, like a midgit, but we don't call them that, would have a very difficult time because of the small digestive system and the small backdoor if you know what i mean!. ha ha ha!. But a giant with a very large downstairs and backdoor would have no trouble at all with the meatballs, depending on the size of his meatballs, the color of his hair and, the type of oven he uses, the type of ball that is the meat, the type of meat that is the ball, the size of his feet, the country of his birth, and the bed he sleeps in!. A good meaty meatball type would also have a very confy bed with nice springs for nice action!. So!.!.!. if you are all these things, i would love to see you eat balls for a year, the best juicy meatballs in the world (ikea's balls) and have a great time doing it!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Eating that much meat would leave you with very little in the way of vitamins, and probably too much fat!. If you ate meatballs along with something, like bread or noodles, and some sort of vegetable-based sauce, you might be ok!. Even so, eating too much of one thing or another is going to cause problems!. There was one guy in Australia who ate so many carrots he died of vitamin A poisoning (carrots have lots of vitamin A)Www@FoodAQ@Com

As long as the meat is lean & you consume protein & veggies, as well as a nice salade, there should be no problem!. Bon Appetite!. I take it you do make your own meatballs!? Cause you don't want the frozen, processed kind!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

it would be bad to eat just meatballs!.!.!.too much sodium, fat in the meat, and not enough of alot of other key nutrients that your body needs on a DAILY basis!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yeah, because in order to be healthy, you also need to eat vegetables and fruit!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I LOVE MEATBALLS!!! :) They aren't soo good for you if you eat nothing but them, but more power to ya for liking them!!! :]Www@FoodAQ@Com

bad health wise but good to eat what u want i'm a big health nut i'm very thin and yet very healthy i eat alot of eggs at least 24 or something a week includes weekend Www@FoodAQ@Com

Add in some veggies & fruits and you're all set! I love IKEA meatballs!. Really gets me going!. But I feel sick if I have it too often!.!.!. you probably would too!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

nothing like a meatball sub on nice french bread!.!.!.with nice cheese toasted and dripping off it!.!.!.with a little sauce to dip it in!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

yes you need other things than just meatballs or just protein you need vegies i know right but you need more than just thatWww@FoodAQ@Com

go for it but after a year of eating just meatballs you might get sick of eating it and not want to eat another meatball again!.!.!.well for at least a month =)


hah dont try it!.!.!.this is y so many americans are fat!!! ughh! hah

dont try!.!.!. put some sauce on those meatballs and they will be better

or make meat squares!lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

Yeh!. Meatballs and meatballs!. Try with pasta!. It's great!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

go for it! meatballs are awesome!

but yes it would be bad for your health!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

i'm sure there will be an end to your love!.it's not bad if you add veggies,fruits into your diet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I would hate to be your toilet!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

wu care i cud so do that!!! i love'em, prbly more than u doWww@FoodAQ@Com

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