Is it true that one persons idea of a food can make another person sick to their stomach or very ill?!

Question: Is it true that one persons idea of a food can make another person sick to their stomach or very ill!?
Like mountain oysters or Bull Balls soup or even monkey brains!. In some parts of the world those are a delicacy!.

Well I just asked for a recipe for fried mucous plugs and someone reported it as a violation before I could write down any recipes!. Dang, will people never learn to live and let live!? What is this world coming to!? An all vanilla flavor!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I hear that mucous plug is amazing! I however did not get mine:( They sucked it out with everything else (c-section) But next time (if there is a next time) I will ask for it and have you over for dinner if your interested!Www@FoodAQ@Com

It's a sad shame that people are so ignorant to the versatilile, valuable resources that mucous plugs provide!.

Vanilla-flavored mucous plugs sounds deeee-lish! I like to eat mine fresh from the source, so that they are still warm and spread easily over crackers or pita triangles!.

You can also let them dry out for a week or so, and crumble them into a topping for meatloaves, casseroles, or even salads!. Substitute parmesean with grated plugs on your favorite pasta dish!.

Boil leftover mucous plug scraps to make a hearty soup stock, sure to add zing to any soup or stew!.

Mix one part mucous plug to three parts cottage cheese-like discharge, blend it up with your favorite fruit and viola! Thick, nutritious mucous-y smoothies!

I hope my answer inspired you to get a girl pregnute!. Good luck and happy dining!Www@FoodAQ@Com

ihonestly have tosay that if i got the opportunity to try rocky mountain oysters, i definatly would!. growing up we always tried anything and everything!. i think it keeps it interesting!. but i do have to say that somethings do make me sick to my stomach!. i had a teacher in junior high that loved lard sandwiches, just a big slab of lard between two pieces of re bread with salt and pepper!. yuck! another thing i could never handle is bugs!. im one to tyr everything atleast once but bugs i could NEVER do!. one other thing i tried that i wasnt fond of was pickled pigs ear!. the flavor wasnt bad , it was the texture i couldnt get over!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The grossest thing I've ever seen anyone eat was on a video documentary about a woman from the UK that gave birth and saved her placenta (after birth)!.

She was very spiritual and conservative and wanted to share it with her family and friends!. She cooked it and made it into a pate!. She told everyone what it was and most, if not all of them, ate it anyway!. One of her friends who was a vegetarian actually tried it and said she liked it!.

That was one of the strangest things I've ever seen!.!.!.

I'd pay to see Andrew Zimmern try that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well let's see!.!.!.I think in Romania (don't quote me), after the children are born the Dr!. saves the placenta and gives it to the family!. They cook and eat it!. They do this to feel closer to the child or mother!.!.either one I don't remember!.

Phuking violators!. Was it good for you though!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

what is wrong with anal uptight people!? nothing but a bunch of tattle tales! in my culture, we do not eat the mucus plugs (although i must say after reading some of the responses, i will be trying one soon!) i make beautiful jewerly out of mine!. i give them out as gifts too!. why would anyone want to waste a mucus plug!?!?!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Sorry the idea is making me sick to my stomach!. Just ate and if i had a mucous plug around i think i would pitch it out the backdoor and let the coons and squirrels nible on it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I haven't heard of anyone eating a mucas plag and that is disgusting to me!.

However I have grown up on rocky mountian oysters, and I love them!. A few other things are a little Www@FoodAQ@Com

Balut, which is basically a boiled partially formed duck embryo that's eaten as a snack!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Hey! I personally think vanilla is a great flavor!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I personally love mucous plugs (and bull balls!.)
Some people have no sense of humour!
My recipe is for the double-plug burger!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

sorry , no fried mucous { mucus } plugs , but i have one for tripe !.!.!. or one for possum !.!.!. if you want them !!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Pimp Stain, I'm laughing ang throwing up!.

Spread it on pita triangles !. !. !. *giggle/heave*Www@FoodAQ@Com


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