Is thai food really spicier than chinese food?!

Question: Is thai food really spicier than chinese food!?
b/c every thai food i get seems a little sweet to me!. and when i ask for it to be spicy, it's still pretty mild!. i've heard some ppl say thai food is spicier!. in my opinion i find chinese food spicier!. also, i think thai food is like a weirder version of chinese food!.

is it just me!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Thai food is known around the world as spicy beyond compare!. My wife Golf has been kind enough to add to Thailand Musings by sharing her wonderful authentic Thai recipes with us and as a small thanks I am doing a Thai recipe roundup for her tonight!. But not just any Thai recipe roundup, no these are the top 5 recipes rated in terms of hotness!. I guarantee they will have you running for the water pitcher (unless of course you’re Thai)!.

The five recipes below are arranged from spiciest to most mild, but even the mild recipe will be spicy for most people!. Recipes can be altered to some extent to make them more or less spicy by changing the amount of chili’s you add, but you run the risk of compromising the authentic Thai flavor!.

Give them all a try and then come back to let us know what you thought!. I know for me I was hardly able to eat Laab Gai 18 months ago and now I beg her to make it!. Spicy food may be an acquired taste, but I think once you acquire that taste it becomes almost an addiction!.

So, here they are without further ado…the top 5 Thai recipes hotter than global warming from Thailand Musings!. I am not responsible for any pain you may experience through trying these recipes!.

Laab Gai (Thai Spicy Chopped Chicken) - Thai’s have many variations of Laab, this one is made with chicken and is not for the faint of heart!. Make sure you serve with plenty of rice and water!.

Neua Naam Tok (Thai Spicy Grilled Beef) - One of my first and still favorite spicy Thai dishes this will knock you’re socks off!. I love the combination of shallots and lemongrass with the chili and smoky flavor of the barbequed beef!.

Naam Prik Ong (Thai Tomato Chili Sauce) - This is not meant to be eaten by itself, but should be served with white rice (preferably jasmine) and fresh vegetables such as cucumber or long beans!.

Lon Dtao Jieow (Coconut Soup with Fermented Soybeans) - For those that like coconut (like me) this soup is great!. Just be careful - if you breathe in while sipping this soup the chili aroma hits your lungs like a whiff of fire!. Coughing is guaranteed to follow!.

Khao Man Gai (Thai Steamed Rice with Chicken) - This recipes comes last as the most mild of the spicy dishes and if you make it as written it is pretty mild with just a slight kick!. Of course you can always add more chili’s to kick it up a notch!

Thai Chili’s - This is not a recipe, but rather a short guide to Thai chili’s!. Knowing a bit about what you’re eating sometimes enhances the eating experience!.


if you have experienced both true authentic thai and chinese, particularly Shechuan/Hunan dishes, you will prob!. think shechuan dish is spicier!.
if your ethnic food experience is based on your hometown restaurants, the chances are you never even eaten real thai food and chinese food!. if you live in metro area such as L!.A!., SF, NY, etc, the chances of finding real authentic food is better!.
here in L!.A!. the real authentic shechuan restaurants will make your scalp crawling, tears coming out of your eyes, your tongue completely numb and your mouth and stomach on fire! not too mention you will sweat like a pig! it is not for the general americans!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Korean food is almost all spicy!. Chinese food is spicy depending on the region of China!. You do not get the real thing in the States, it may be close but that's it!. I had Sichuan Hot Pot in China and the fumes from the boiling liquid burned my eyes and throat!. Now that's hot and spicy!. So it depends who's cooking and what area they come from that determines the amount of heat!. I find that Thai food is mild but that may be because it's food for foreigners!. Most of the Chinese food in America is for Americans and is not the same as in China!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

You have to eat Thai food in Thailand, in a little restaurant off the beaten tourist roads!. Something local!.!.!. and you'll never complain about bland Thai food any more! Thai food the world over is mild-sweet because non-Thais can often not take the 'real stuff'!

Chinese foods are not normally very spicy, but hot sauces and chillies are often served on the side so everybody can add spiciness to their choice of dishes!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Thai food can be very spicy but it's difficult to find anywhere that does it well!. Most restaurants seem to cater to the mild crowd!. I've had the same problem as you getting it spicy, even when I tell the waiter to tell the chef to hurt me as I want true Thai-style!.

I finally converted my husband to Thai food while visiting London!. Several co-workers recommended a place to us and we ended up eating there twice!.

Since we've been home, we've learned to cook it ourselves!. We're spoiled now and don't go out for Thai food (Chinese either) as what we make is sooo much better than what you get in a restaurant!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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