What do you serve plum pierogies with?!

Question: What do you serve plum pierogies with!?
I saw some in the freezer counter in Asda!. Just wondering if they are meant to be boiled or steamed!. Or whether its a sweet or savoury dish!. And whether you can have cream or custard over it!. Sorry for sounding ignorant but they looked like worth trying!. Thanks!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

My husband is polish and he loves them!. They are sweet for a dessert!. The onion and potato are savory!. Try making a fruit sauce to top them with!.

I boil mine (savory) then fry with onions and a tad of garlic It makes the outer coating crisp!. I would suggest to you that you fry them in butter and add a fruit jam, jelly that's been heated up to melt it!.

That sounds wonderful!. Still stick with the boiling until they rise and then frying to make crisp!. Take it from a Pollock, he loves the way I make frozen ones!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Defrost them and saute in butter over very low heat until heated through, you want the dough just barely golden!. You can also boil them for a few minutes and finish them in the butter if you like!. You can serve them with sour cream or the (I'm guessing) UK equivalent!. Custard is good as well, or just drizzle with the butter from the pan and sprinkle with sugar!. Here in the US the potato, cheese, and sauerkraut versions are a good pairing with fried fish and are served with sauteed onion and sour cream!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

like all dumplings!.!. first boiled in boiling water!.!. not tepid!.!. you need to be able to "surf" on that water!.!.
Afterwards you can fry them in butter and maybe sprinkle with sugar!.
Its sweet and can be eaten as a dessert or with glazed ham!.
If you want cream and custard over it!.!. try it!.!. why not create something new and exiting!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

you should boil them but not for a long time, and serve them with thick cream or sour cream and sugarWww@FoodAQ@Com

look online!.!.!.lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

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