Most famous easy italian dessert?!

Question: Most famous easy italian dessert!?
okay so im doing a geography project on italy and i need extra credit so i decided to make an italian dessert that is really easy but i need help finding one but nothing with wine or whatever just something really simple!. please!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

hi, i'm italian the best dessert is "gelato" but if you have to bring it to school it's better tiramisù

Il Tiramisù


500 g di mascarpone, 80 g di zucchero, 4 uova, 250 g di savoiardi, 1 tazza di caffè forte (meglio espresso), 1 bicchiere di Marsala, cacao amaro in polvere q!.b!., scaglie di cioccolato fondente!.


Montare i tuorli insieme allo zucchero fino a ottenere un composto bianco e spumoso!.
Con un cucchiaio in legno lavorare il mascarpone finché diventi una crema liscia e senza grumi!.
Unire al mascarpone il composto di uova e zucchero, amalgamandolo bene!.
Montare gli albumi a neve con un pizzico di sale e aggiungere con delicatezza alla crema di uova e mascarpone!. Miscelare il Marsala con il caffè a temperatura ambiente!.
Aggiungere due cucchiai di acqua!. Immergere velocemente i savoiardi nella bagna così ottenuta: i biscotti dovranno risultare ben imbevuti, ma non completamente zuppi!.
Foderare il fondo di una vaschetta in plastica per alimenti con uno strato di savoiardi!.
Quindi stendere uno strato di crema al mascarpone, livellandolo con una spatola!. Procedere con un secondo strato di biscotti e coprire con la rimanente crema, avendo cura di tenerne da parte una piccola quantità per la decorazione!.

Inserire la crema rimasta in una tasca da pasticciere montata con bocchetta liscia e ricoprire tutta la superficie del dolce con una serie di rose!.
Spolverare con abbondante cacao amaro e rifinire con una manciata di scaglie di cioccolato!.
Riporre in frigorifero per qualche ora!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

this is very easy, its actually a breakfast but i would eat it as dessert!. peach with a little bit of salt and pepper on toasted walnut bread!. before you say "no ew!" just try it!. make sure there is more salt then pepper!.

EDIT: sorry, i did't realize you said famous, yes you best bet is bascotti, this is a cookie, or an alternative is bascotti di regina (buiscut of the queen, or fit for a queen!. the only big difference is that you use goose fat, pure white goose fat!. look up ifood!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Tiramisu!! This recipe has been modified over and over and there is a million easy ways to make it! Allrecipes!.com has some recipes for Tirimisu, You can modify the recipe and instead of using a sponge cake (which you could just buy) you can use lady fingers, basically its two different whipped toppings, both have chocolate and coffee flavor layered on a cake that has been drizzled with strong coffee!. Its soooo delicious!!!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Italian Rum Cake Recipe


2 - 3 1/2 oz!. pkg!. Instant vanilla pudding
2 - 3 1/2 oz!. pkg!. Instant dark and sweet pudding
7 cups milk
2 tsp!. rum extract
1 1lb Pound Cake
1 8 oz container of Cool whip

Line bottom of 13 X 9 X 2 pan with cake sliced ? in!. thick!.
Make vanilla pudding using 3 1/2 cups milk and 1 tsp!. rum extract!.
Let pudding set 5 min!., then pour over cake!.
Put another layer cake!.
Make chocolate pudding using 3 1/2 cups milk and 1 tsp!. rum extract!.
Let pudding set 5 min!., then pour over cake!.
Top with cool whip!.
Let set overnight!.
Keep refrigerated!. Www@FoodAQ@Com

Try tiramisu' everybody loves tiramisu, or buy cannoli shells and stuff them, I wish I could come to see your project too, below is a guide of some popular italian dessertsWww@FoodAQ@Com

It has to be tiramisu!. Ingredients easy to come by, masses of recipes on I!.net, easy to make, tasty!. Its got the lot!. Even its name is rather nice; literally "pick me up"!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Definitely tiramisu!

But it's kinda hard to make!.


Tiramisu, not exactly easy, but not too hard either!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

gelato !Www@FoodAQ@Com

Spumoni (ice cream)!. Just scoop it out of the carton (doesn't get much easier than that)!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

make some tiramisu

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