Spanish Recipe: Translations and Conversions?!

Question: Spanish Recipe: Translations and Conversions!?
I am trying to make Arroz con leche con vainilla!. I don't really speak very much Spanish, and I am not very familiar with grams, so I am having trouble!. This is the recipe I am using:

300 gr!. de arroz
8 cucharadas de azúcar
1 huevo
1,5 litros de leche fría
1 vainilla, en rama
Lavar el arroz y cocerlo en una cacerola con la leche, 5 cucharadas de azúcar y la vainilla durante hora y media a fuego muy suave!.De vez en cuando agitar la cacerola para evitar que el arroz se pegue pero sin revolver!.Retirarlo del fuego y dejarlo enfriar!.Batir la clara a punto de nieve!.A?adir a la clara las otras 3 cucharadas de azúcar, echar la yema, batirlo y mezclarlo con el arroz!.Servirlo tibio!.Se puede servir con salsa de chocolate caliente o decorarlo con frutas confitadas y merengue!.

The main things I need help with:

What does "en rama" mean!? I keep looking it up, but none of the definitions look especially food-related!.

How many cups or tablespoons would 300 gr!. of rice be!? I don't have a scale!. Just a rough estimate!?

I will probably have more questions as I work through this!.



I can only help you with the translation, as you can easily search any website to make coversions for grams and liters, here it goes:

300 gr of Rice
8 Tablespoons of Sugar
1 egg
1!.5 liters of cold milk (i suggest to use Whole Milk, avoid Lo-Fat or varieties)
Vanilla ( in your recipe it says in rama, but i ve never seen Vanilla on branches, i guess that whoever intended to write the recipe was trying to write "Canela en rama", which means a branch of Cinnamon, that's actually an ingredient for real Arroz con leche, you could use a branch or two of cinnamon and about the vanilla, you can find Vanilla extract on any Supermarket, i guess it's best if it's natural, you can add 2 or 3 tablespoons of it or just pour a shot (it's liquid)!.

- Clean the rice and put it the stove with the milk, 5 Tbspoons of sugar and the vanilla for an hour and a half on delicate flame (the lower the better ok!?)

Once in a while, Shake the recippient to avoid the rice from sticking to it, but without stirring!. Once it's done take away from fire and let it cools down (it's actually better if you put it in the fridge for an hour)

Now comes the part that you dont get!. When you crack the egg you have to sepparate te yolk from the white and what you have to do with the white part of the egg is to stirr it quickly (use a fork for this matter) until it's rich and foamy, (that's what "batir la clara a punto de nieve" means alright!?) To this stirren white you have to add the other 3 Tbspoons of sugar and finally add the yolk to stirr it again, then you put this mix on the rice!. It finally suggests you to serve it with a chocolate fudge or caramelized fruit on top


en rama means in the pod!.

300g of rice is just over a quarter of a pound, I think, but I don't know anything about imperial measures!. Try googling "metric converters" maybe!?

there's an English language recipe at


that might help!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

The vanilla bean "en rama" means whole!. Add it whole, not cut up!. 300 grams of rice is !.66 pounds, or 11 oz!. Here's a "rough" translation of the steps: (The recipe doesn't say it, but the egg should be separated first -- white from yolk)!.!.!.

Wash the rice and to cook it in a casserole with milk, 5 spoonfuls of sugar and vanilla for 1!.5 hours over medium heat!. From time to time to shake the casserole to avoid the rice sticking!. Remove from the burner and let cool!. To beat the egg white until it is white and peaks!. Add the beaten egg white to the other 3 spoonfuls of sugar, add the egg yolk and mix it with the rice!. Serve warm with hot chocolate sauce or top with fruit and meringue!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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