What are typical meals in colombia like?!

Question: What are typical meals in colombia like!?
i'm doing a project about colombian food, and i have to describe a typical breakfast, lunch, and dinner!.

i've heard that they have pretty light breakfasts and dinners and there main meal is lunch!. Any more info to add!? thanksWww@FoodAQ@Com

I've never been there, but my mom is Colombian and she cooked a lot of Colombian food when I was growing up!. Lunch was always the biggest meal at our house!. We usually ate some kind of stew with meat and starchy vegetables like potatoes, plantains and yucca!. One particular stew that we ate a lot of was called Sancocho!. For dinner a lot of times we would just have some steamed rice with a fried egg on top!. Colombians usually eat their meat really well done!. They also make tamales that are very different than the tamales that you are probably use to!. They are wrapped in banana leaves instead of corn husks!. Arepas are kind of like corn bread and are eaten regularly too!.

I hope this helps!.

Oh, I almost forgot that breakfast is usually a cup of coffee with milk (even for the kiddies), or hot chocolate and a piece of bread for dunking!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i am colombian i can tell you

the potato broth is a breakfast that somepersons eat
this is a food of bogota and is typic the ajiaco
and one of the more importants is the tray paisa it's of medellin
it has egg, rice, avocado, red beans and milled meat
good luck

and to the "intelligent" that said taco that is mexicanWww@FoodAQ@Com

taco Www@FoodAQ@Com

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