Is too much spiciness harmful?!

Question: Is too much spiciness harmful!?
I eat EXTREMELY spicy!.!.!. and for example, I just ate a huge bowl of spaghetties with 300 grams of sauce to which I added Chili sauce and about 7 whole chillies!. You know, the really little ones which burn like hell!. I can tell that it's very spicy because I almost couldn't take it anymore, and I've been eating hot foods for quite some time!. Will it harm me in anyway!? Like raising my acidity to dangerous levels!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

if you use them like spices!.!.no!. They don't kill you, then don't do anything!. They might upset your stomach lining if you are not used to it but otherwise no danger!. If you use them as vegetables that's a different matter!.
7 is tough!.!. I could not handle this despite that I like it really really hot!. but 7 is still as a spice!.!. don't worry!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Apparently it can be harmful!. As a matter of fact, the TV show Fear Factor got in trouble for serving habanero peppers during one of their extreme eating competitions!. According to physicians that later reviewed the footage, it was THE most dangerous "stunt" performed on the show and that it could have easily killed a contestant!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If all your life you have been eating mashed potato and now you jump to 7 super chillies, it will cause stomach ulcers, and hemeroids!.
But if you worked your way up, 1 chilli then 2 then 3 then 4 then 5 then 6 then 7!. Its not harmful!.
All foods can harm you!.!.!.
It would be very rare for someone to die of having too spicy a chilli!.
Put not impossible!.

Small changes over time, and your body will cope!. Sudden change in diet will affect you seriously!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It might!.If you like spicy things thats great! That means your brave to eat!.!.!.!.anything! You like to try alot of stuff!.And 300 grams of sauce!? Dont take that much!.If you eat too many spicy things though you may not like spicy things any more,you might get sick,something might not go right!.

You should take a little break from hot stuff!.!.!.just to be all right


i think that in large doses everyday it can be toxic, because of your stomach acid having to digest it, but getting your stomach used to it, like if you did it many times!.!.
i dont think its too good
limit your intake (:
i mean, only you know if like, its harming you for example!.


as long as it doesnt upset your stomach to eat that stuff it's fine!. for me i cant eat any spicy foods or i will be on the toilet all night, but other people can eat the same thing i did and not even taste the spice!. its just a matter of preference!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

i find that very spicy food doesn't agree with me, and i do get health problems from it!. But some people say it's actually healthy!. I think it might depend on what your body is used to, whether or not you grew up with spicy food!. http://www!.diagnose-me!.com/treat/T415941!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

hmm, your tongue and tastebuds are related to mine, id like an answer to this as well!

Chilli rules!

the little ones your talking about are birds eye chillies - just a question though - do you include the chilli seeds in your cooking!?!?

I DO!Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think it might depend on how allergic you are!. From your description you don't sound very allergic, but a guy actually died in a Spanish restaurant from spices that he couldn't handle!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm not really sure sorry!. Two things I do know about spicy foods is: 1!.It can give you the sh**s
2!.It speeds up your metabolism (good for weight loss)Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think your digestive system gets used to it, well mine as anyway

the hotter the better that's what i sayWww@FoodAQ@Com

they say that eating a lot of spicy foods can cause you hemorrhoids!.!. ;)Www@FoodAQ@Com

ulcers,ever heard of em!?
and vomiting!!!
its killer but its good if u have cancer cuz it kills cancer cells

it is called the ring of fireWww@FoodAQ@Com

NOHH chilies are good!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Unless if you have an ulcer,i don't think soWww@FoodAQ@Com

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