Is Chinese food in general considered healthy?!

Question: Is Chinese food in general considered healthy!?
Would you eat it everyday!?

Which food would you consider healthier than Chinese food!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

I am Chinese and my mama's cooking is the healthiest Chinese food!. A lot of veggie and little meat! She use little oil to stir fried and NO MSG for real! I eat it everyday! The non healthy Chinese food is the Americanized one! Like General Tso's chicken and crab rangoon!.!.!.etc!.!.!.if you go to China, no one will know what that is!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Uncountable numbers of Chinese in China eat real Chinese food daily, and are in perfect health!. Many Chinese centenarians have hardly a sniffle in their lives!. But here we're talking about simple Chinese fare that is mostly steamed, boiled, braised, pan or stir fried!. Green veggies, fish, lean chicken & pork, plain steamed white rice, tofu and nutritious boiled soups!. Not all that greasy gooey gunky Westernised 'Chinese' food!. That's not to say that all Chinese food is healthy as there are also lots of deep-fried stuff, excessively salty concoctions and even dishes swimming in oil, but these are usually restaurant dishes, not usual home-style or country food!. Overall the more healthy Chinese food should be Cantonese cuisine!. Always remember that China is a huge diverse country with distinctly different cuisines across regions, so you can't group Chinese food together as a single example with the same characteristics!.

It's probably too difficult to pinpoint that one cuisine is healthier than another, just group some cuisines into a band of healthier food!. Maybe traditional Japanese food can be considered as healthy as any!. Note ethnic food is constantly subjected to influences, so there can be a world of difference between traditional food and the more modern versions!. Those Chinese who have become more Westernised, affluent or who live in the cities will likely have a more unhealthy diet compared to those living in the countryside!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I eat Chinese food everyday, and i'm still alive and kicking and in perfect health!.

In general , the 'Chinese food' in Western countries is loaded with fat, sugar, salt and every other kind of preservative and unhealthy stuff you can think off!. But if you eat the REAL Chinese food, like those sold in Asian countries, it can't be more healthy!.

For those people who think that Chinese food is unhealthy, your knowledge of 'Chinese food' is limited only to that served in your own country, which is certainly not REAL Chinese food!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Why do people think they can classify an entire cuisine as "healthy" or "unhealthy" - especially when their entire knowledge of that cuisine is based on some random restaurant at the local food court at the mall!?

That's like thinking Taco Bell is real authentic Mexican cuisine, and then concluding that Mexican food is really unhealthy for you!.

Here's something to think about: Unhealthy diets tend to kill off the population that's eating it!. You wouldn't have a culture whose history stretches back some 5000 years if they were only eating unhealthy food now would you!?

There is a lot more to Chinese food than what most folks see in restaurants, not to mention the fact that most of the stuff we call "Chinese food" isn't even Chinese in origin!. Chop-suey, for instance, was created in America!. Granted, it was created by a Chinese immigrant who basically just took a bunch of left overs and briefly stir-fried it!. Though in that sense, chop-suey has more in common with the British dish, Bubble & Squeak, than anything else!. Fortune cookies are another example of something that was created by a Chinese immigrant in America!. Most Chinese people have never heard of fortune cookies!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

In general, Americanized Chinese food is usually unhealthy since many items are fried and then braised in a sweet sauce (General Tso's chicken, sesame beef, orange flavored anything, sweet and sour, lemon chicken, etc!.)

Authentic chinese food has more healthy options - brothy noodle soups, sauteed greens, fewer fried items, roast meats, steamed fish, etc!.

But every Chinese restaurant has "healthy option" menu items - steamed protein with veggies and sauce on the side, served with brown rice!. You can't go wrong with that!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Billions eat it everyday without endangering their health!. I do too!. The type of food i'd avoid are anything from McDonald's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, Pizza Huts et al - a larhe portion of their food and beverages endanger human health over a period of time!.

I'd rate Japanese, Korean, Thai and vegetarian Indian food as healthy food but no means healthier than Chinese; which has an entire range of meals using herbs with special recipes and cooking methods - very therapeutic for health!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No!. Its loaded with fat, grease and God knows whatever else!. A typical Chinese Food meal is about 2000 calories and loaded with enough fat and salt to kill you 20 times over!. If you eat that every day, count on sudden onset of heart disease!.

The few exceptions would be steamed vegetables, steamed rice and toasted nuts and things like that!. You can add grilled chicken and a lot of other things, including fruits and raisins!. But stay from the fatty, greasy, junk food!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

My neighbour are Chinese!. They cook and eat Chinese food everyday, if fact, all their lives!. They are not going to die of heart disease!. They are healthier than anyone else!. I've never seen them visiting doctors while the rest of us running for our GP, buying painkiller, taking tablets for flu, headache and such!.
Your kind of Chinese food are not genuine Chinese food!. They serve food with loads of MSG and sugar in Chinese restaurant or takeaway to make them tasty, also, to make you addicted!. My neighbour buy food in supermarket but cook them in the real Chinese way, such as a bowl of boiled rice to go with a few dishes, among them sometimes shallow fried Choi Sum , or Pak Choi, steam fish with ginger and spring onion, steam tofu with little bit of dried shrimp and Chinese mushroom, sometimes they have soup with lean meat and vegetable or Chinese herbs!. This soup is not the one you buy in the shop, quickly done and thickened with corn flour !. Their soup are cooked in slow fire for at least 2 hours!. All the taste of the soup comes from the meat and vegetable, no MSG added!. In fact, I didn't see MSG in their Kitchen cupboard!.
I don't mind to eat authentic Chinese food everyday though it means a lot of work namely chopping and preparing!.
Any food can be healthy depends on the way you cook them!. I was about to say Japanese food is healthy but do you know they mixed a lot of sugar and vinegar in the sushi !?Www@FoodAQ@Com

i would say that some of it can be, yes, but probably not the stuff you get delivered or eat buffet-style!. steamed rice and veggies, no soy sauce, preferably some meat added in there for good measure!. but most "fast food" chinese places load their foods with lots of fat, sugar and sodiumWww@FoodAQ@Com

Do you mean CHINESE food, or chinese american fast food!?

Huge difference!. The first poster doesn't seem to know that there is a difference!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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