How healthy are chinese foods?!

Question: How healthy are chinese foods!?
Can you lose weight by switching to chinese food!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

That depends on whether you are cooking it at home or getting it from a Chinese restaurant!.

Chinese restaurants are notoriously unhealthy!. Many of the favorite Chinese-American dishes are fried and/or drowned in syrupy sauce!. If you go to a more authentic Chinese restaurant, you may be able to find healthier dishes but even then, there is probably a lot of MSG and salt, and it's not something you should be eating every day!.

Now, a lot of my coworkers are from China and many of them cook traditional Chinese food!. A typical lunch will have steamed rice, steamed veggies, and some kind of meat!. They eat this every day!. The key is portion size; usually it's about half as much food as you might get from a Chinese restaurant lunch special!. They hardly ever eat candy or other sweets!. They eat fruit for dessert!. You could lose weight if you ate like this, as long as you stay with reasonable portion sizes!. I don't think someone born in America would be able to eat this kind of diet every day without getting extremely bored!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

No you just get hungry faster!. lol

If you want to lose weight really all you need to do is not eat so much!. I'm serious!. Try only eating 1/2 of what you really want to eat and then walk - 6 blocks to 2 miles per day - as fast as you can!.

You WILL lose weight if you are honest about portions!. also this diet allows for a little cheating but just make sure you only cheat a with a tiny portion!. Let that chocolate linger in your mouth then rinse well and don't eat any more of it!.

No reason to feel guilty - just eat 1/2 or less of the normal food you like and normally eat!.

Your stomach should only be the size of your loosely fisted hand!.!. but most peoples are 3-4x that size because they Super Size and 'clean up their plates' and eat more than they want and many people eat fast

You only need abt 3500 calories per day!. Ck it out!. That is NOT a lot of food!.!. depending on what you are eating!.

Good luck!Www@FoodAQ@Com

That depends!. You could lose weight by switching to stir fried vegetables with little oil or starch thickener!. But you could definitely not lose weight by eating spare ribs, fried chicken etc!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

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