Why do mostly Asian countries eat odd stuff?!

Question: Why do mostly Asian countries eat odd stuff!?
From Japan to China,countries in Asian eat weird things!.for example,in Thailand they raise rats for food consumption and Vietnam also do the same!.Cambodia is another Asian country that eat certain kind of animals and creatures that are not fit to eat!.Japan and China also eat alot of disgusting things!.I've always enjoyed mostly Chinese and Japanese food,sometimes Korean too,but I've never been interested in the rest of the Asian countries cuisine due to all this I just mentioned,and I think I will quit eating Chinese and Japanese soonWww@FoodAQ@Com

because they are way overpopulated they need to get food wherever they can get itWww@FoodAQ@Com

What is odd to you is normal to others and what is normal to you may be odd to others!. Each to his own!.

Do you know that in the amazon fluvial rainforest, they raise capoeira, the largest rodent for meat!?

In some parts of the Caribbean, they raise iguanas for meat!?

In the northern hemisphere, they eat reindeer meat!.

In the middle east, they eat camel meat!.

How about kangaroo meat or ostrich and emu meat!? Crocodiles!? bats!?
How about worms and maggots for protein!?

You only know of sewer rats, so don't be so judgemental!.

Some people do not eat certain meat due to relligious beliefs and some people find the flavor/taste disgusting!.

You probably eat a lot of minced pies and do not know what is in it!. Hot dogs!?

It is all in the mind and in a culture!. You have become too industrialized!. You should look up Mad Cow Disease to open your mind!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I don't know how many times i've said this, but it seems as if some people like you like to judge other cultures based on their own!.

True, some Asians do eat weird stuff, but it's part of the whole Asian culture!. Whether or not you're going to eat Chinese, Japanese or Korean food anymore does not matter to any of us!. You can even stop eating all you like!. There are people around still who appreciates Asian cuisine!.

What were you expecting to gain from this question!? Attention!? Support from people who same the sentiments as you do!? Well, you can go to an Asian restaurant or supermarket right now and boycott Asian food, okay!? If that pleases you!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

If you eat hot dogs or potted meat, you are eating pig lips and cow udders!. All cuisines are a result of people making do with what they have available!. Protein is protein , whether it is from fried worms in Mexico, JUAN, or toasted bugs anywhere else!. Besides, the Apostle Paul was told that anything God makes clean is clean and can be consumed!. It's what comes out of the mouth that is unclean!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

What does that fact that you dislike chinese and japanese food do with this question!.
Anyway, I'm asian but i don't eat things like rats (too related to my pet hamsters), insects, etc!.
Wouldn't it be easier just to stick to eating normal (asian) stuff instead of rambling about asian food being odd!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Dude, we eat hot dogs!.!.!.they're made from all the stuff that's left on the animal once the edible portions have been taken away!. We're hardly in a position to say that other countries eat wierd or disgusting stuff!.

Well, with the exception of Scotland, where they eat haggis!. THAT is wierd and disgusting!. Sorry Scotland, but there you are!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

japan is home of shark fin soup, a delicacy and a $100 bowl of chowder that is the benchmark sign of success!.!.!.!.

they eat weird stuff b/c they are more practical with food!.!.!.!. they also eat very healthy!.!.!.!. you're not gunna see a scorpion drenched in marinara and mozzarella!.!.!.!.!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

What's weird to you, isn't weird to us!. We eat what we can find, probably for religious reasons, it's healthier than you think, or we just can't find enough food and have to eat what we can for survival!. It isn't nice to call what we eat disgusting!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

biased answer, you might eat something that's considered "weird and odd" to others!. Eating cows, pigs, deer is considered disgusting in other countries!.
Your opinion is yours, don't think that it's the most important and only one!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Well we have different tastes!.
I'm asian and we do eat bird's nest(swallow's saliva), shark's fin, baby octopus etcetc!.!. these are delicacies!.
I think its quite normal for us to eat duck meat, goose meat etc etc like how you guys eat spamWww@FoodAQ@Com

Our consumption of milk and other dairy products is considered quite disgusting in many parts of Asia!. It's all relative!. Personally I think eating veal and foi gras is disgustingWww@FoodAQ@Com

because they have ancient stories about the things they eat!. some belive it brings them luck or fortune or good health, live longer!. Its just their own beliefs thats why they eat the things they eat!Www@FoodAQ@Com

they don't eat odd stuff!. Their food is the best!.


What's nomal in one country may be weird to other countries!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I must agree that the thought of eating rodents really turns my stomach but if I were living off the land with no connection to other parts of the world and this was all I had to survive maybe a rodent would be very good on an empty stomach if that is all I could find to eat!.
It all depends on the circumstances of people in general!. City people who work in offices and shop at grocery stores are not as apt to think of a rat for dinner!. If we were out in a forest and lived in a tree house we probably would have a different menu!.
We eat what we are used to eating and to others some dishes might be very strange!. I like to watch the travel channel they sure show you weird foods I have to turn my head sometimes!. The textures and looks of some foods really get to me!.
Enjoyed your question!.!.!.
Best wishes,
Mama Jazzy GeriWww@FoodAQ@Com

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