What is main food for americans and mexicans?!

Question: What is main food for americans and mexicans!?
As already stated by the others, american food is pretty random because so many americans are from different backgrounds and nationalities!. As for the mexicans, you would probably be surprised to know that they usually have no idea what a burrito is if they are newly crossing the border!. My husband worked with a lot of illegals, and they generally liked fresh fruits/veggies, or eggs and chorizo mixed together and served in warmed tortillas!. Most of the time his roommates/coworkers would live on beans with bacon ,and fresh tomatoes and peppers and onions served on the side!. Really informal meals, just whatever tasted good to them!. I bought about 50 bucks worth of burritos from a nice mexican restaurant near my house, and the guys had no clue what they were! And forget about taco bell, the standing joke with them was that the mystery meat inside those was actually the tiny chihuahua's from the commercial lol! Folks just eat what they like; there the same as here!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Both are so regional!. Americans in one region may prefer BBQ, in another, seafood, in another, game meat and in another, lots of fried foods!. Traditional Mexican food can be so different from what we know here in the states, as their states are very different as well!. The all-known things like burritos, tacos and chile rellenos may be entirely foreign to people in the Yucatan, Oaxaca and so many other parts of Mexico!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Americans love hamburgers, pizza, and bread!. Bread is on everything breakfast lunch and dinner, yet Americans love to bash other cultures, especially Asian culture for eating rice with everything!. Just had to throw that out there!. Mexicans love tacos, quesadillas, burritos!. Just a guess, I'm not entirely sure!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Honestly, I don't think there are any distinct food for americans because we incorporate other cultures!. But for mexican food, I'm thinking that burritos, taquitos, tacos, and such are some food they eat!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

It can vary by region in both countries, but beef is popular in both countries!. Many times American food is described as being "meat and potatoes"!. Mexican food often has rice, beans, and some type of tortilla, usually corn!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

burgers for the americans y los frijoles a los mexicansWww@FoodAQ@Com

the two love tacosWww@FoodAQ@Com

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