What does Indian tea taste and look like?!

Question: What does Indian tea taste and look like!?
I was at 7-11 earlier tonight here in Los Angeles!. The clerk was a tall Indian man in a big white turban!. I was purchasing honey and toilet paper!. He said there were a lot of people with a caugh around!. Being the germaphobe I am I said "really!? I should be careful! I hate to get sick!." He looked at me confused and said why was I buying the honey!. I stared at him for a second trying to figure out why he looked so confused!. It then dawned on me that maybe he thought I was buying the honey for my throat and told him it was for my coffee and warm milk and tea!. He must've thought the toilet paper was for my runny nose lol!. Anyways, he then said he uses honey for Indian tea!. I told him I had never had or heard of Indian tea before!. A long line was forming as we chatted so I was trying to hurry but realized he was waiting for me to give him another dollar!. He's so polite he just stood there until I realized I was 83 cents short and handed him the dollar!. I thought $5 would've covered it but it came to $5!.83!. So as he was giving my change, he touched my hand and said maybe we could have Indian tea together sometime and I said ok and left so anyways, that's why I am curious and would like to know, what is Indian tea!? Was he just making that up as a line or does it really exist!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

While he was not giving you a line, India drinks and produces as much tea as China, I am a former chef and have been drinking tea from India for years, you may have to and not known it, as most tea bags are a blend of Chinese, India, Sri Lankan (once known as Ceylon), and even African teas, like coffee they are blended to achieve a balance/taste, and are black teas, which are aged and fermented some time heated to dry!.

Milk tea in India and I worked in Singapore were it is known as "String tea", is a daily ritual, the one the second person mentioned is known as "Chai" and is an after dinner or meal drink the sweetened milk tea is like coffee is to anyone in the US or Europe a morning eye opener, and they sweeten it with either sugar, honey, jaggery (palm sugar) or coconut sugar, they heat the water, brew the tea, add the milk and sugar re boil it then strain, in Singapore they had carts on the street like coffee carts in the US that sold it for 15 cents a small glass, and as for the young lady who said she would not trust anything that was not from the US, I say grow up as you don't know when you buy anything who might of touched it and when and what they might have, so "caveat emptor"!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

Indian tea is made by boiling milk and water and some times they add spices like ginger, cardamom etc and along with tea powder!.
usually it is sweetened by sugar, you can also use honey!.
Tea made this way using ginger and honey is considered good for cold!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

That is sad!. Where does tea come from!? Darjeeling, Assam, Sri Lanka (all in the Indian subcontinent), or maybe China!?
Wouldn't touch anything that wasn't produced in the USA!. Like coffee!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

Indian tea is good and we Indians usually have tea when we visit our frds house
If u want to make it I am givin u recipe to make it
take a 1/2 cup water and to
add a half spoon of tea leaves
add 2 sponn sugar/honey(honey can be used as an substitute to sugar)
and one cup milk
let it boil
then filter it in a cup enjoy it with biscuits and
tell me if u like itWww@FoodAQ@Com

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