In Italy, do they use a lot of sauce on spaghetti?!

Question: In Italy, do they use a lot of sauce on spaghetti!?
I've heard two people say they don't use much sauce on spaghetti in Italy!. They just barely use enough to flavor the pasta!.

But my mom said her neighbors, who were from Italy, used to use a lot of sauce!.

I'm wondering if it's regional!. Maybe they put more sauce in some parts of Italy and less sauce in other parts!?Www@FoodAQ@Com

In Italy!.!.!. the pasta is the star of the dish, not the sauce! They dress the pasta with a condement, as they say, the sauce!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I'm part Italian but everybody is different you know it's allin what you prefer!. I personally like lots of meat and heavy sauce but my cousin likes it with less so it's whatever you like!. your making me hungry lolWww@FoodAQ@Com

Just enough to give flavor!. The main thing about pasta is the pasta!.Www@FoodAQ@Com

I think everyone in italy uses a lot of sauceWww@FoodAQ@Com

yes , its really yummyWww@FoodAQ@Com

Spaghetti with marinara sauce is an American dish!.

From http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/Spaghetti :

Chinese noodles pre-date Italian pasta, and Arab traders probably became introduced to them due to their trade routes with China!. Historically, people in Italy ate pasta in the form of gnocchi-like dumplings – pasta fresca eaten as soon as it was prepared!. It has now been asserted that the Muslims who populated Southern Italy (around the 12th Century) were the first to develop the innovation of working pasta from grain into thin long forms,[2][3][4] capable of being dried out and stored for months or years prior to consumption (see Peter Robb's Midnight in Sicily pp 94-96 for details)!. Or Muslim traders with links to Arab trade routes to china, may have been introduced to pasta or noodles that way!. Legend has it that Cicero, the famous Roman orator was fond of "laganum," an ancient tagliatelle!.[5] The Saracens, originally from North Africa, invaded southern Italy in the 9th century and occupied Sicily for 200 years!. Pasta is now associated with Italians as a whole!. The popularity of pasta spread to the whole of Italy after the establishment of pasta factories in the 19th century, enabling the mass production of pasta for the Italian market!.[6]Www@FoodAQ@Com

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