I need some food names in french?!

Question: I need some food names in french!?
hi guys!. i have a french project, due wednesday and i need 2 or 3 french wines and some food names in french
if u write some food names please write the english name of it!. also if possible write the ingredients too!.

thanx !!!!Www@FoodAQ@Com

Food preparation

* affiné - aged
* à la broche - cooked on a skewer
* à la vapeur - steamed
* à l'etouffée - stewed
* au four - baked
* bouilli - boiled
* en daube - stew, casserole
* en gelée - in aspic/gelatin
* farci - stuffed
* frit - fried
* fumé - smoked
* grillé - grilled
* haché - minced, ground (meat)
* séché - dried
# la bouillabaisse - fish stew (Provence)
# le cassoulet - meat and bean casserole (Languedoc)
# le coq au vin - chicken in red wine sauce
# une crêpe - very thin pancake
# un croque-monsieur - ham and cheese sandwich
# un croque-madame - ham and cheese sandwich topped with fried egg
# le foie gras - goose liver
# la piperade - tomato and bell pepper omelette (Basque)
# la pissaladière - onion and anchovy pizza (Provence)
# la salade (de) chèvre - green salad with goat cheese on toast
# la salade ni?oise - mixed salad with anchovies, tuna, and hard-boiled eggs
# la soupe à l'oignon - French onion soup
# la tarte tatin - upside-down apple pie

* des abats - giblets, offal
* des algues - seaweed
* une andouillette - chitterling sausage
* des béatilles - assorted organ meats
* le boudin - blood sausage/pudding
* la cagouille - snail
* la cervelle - brains
* des civelles - spaghetti-like baby eels
* le civet - game stew thickened with blood
* la crête de coq - rooster's comb
* des cuisses de grenouille - frogs' leg
* un escargot - snail
* le foie - liver
* le gésier - gizzard
* la langue - tongue
* le rognon - kidney
* le sang - blood
* le steak tartare - made with raw, mashed beef
* la tête - head
* des tripes - tripe (stomach lining)
* le veau - veal
* la viande de cheval - horsemeat
A French meal may include numerous courses, in this order:

1!. Apéritif - cocktail, pre-dinner drink

2!. Amuse-bouche or amuse-gueule - snack (just one or two bites)

3!. Entrée - appetizer/starter (false cognate alert: entree can mean "main course" in English)

4!. Plat principal - main course

5!. Fromage - cheese

6!. Dessert - dessert

7!. Café - coffee

8!. Digestif - after-dinner drink


The greatest and ideal Apéritif you can serve is a glass of Champagne ; but you have many other options!.!.!.We usually offer a choice of classic alcohols, like whisky,or fortified wines, like Muscadet, Martini or Porto!.

also, one of our most popular national apéritif is Kir ; it is made of dry Burgundy white wine, with blackcurrant liquor!. If you only have sweet white wine, serve it pure it would be too sweet with the liquor ! Kir is seond best apéritif because it is very good, light and not too alcoholic!.!.!.

nice French apéritif for a nice welcome


Again, you have all sorts of options, and let's try to get out from the potato chips or peanuts styled snack!. You have better and healthier options that will look and taste good :

- Canapés with typical French spreads
- Vegetable with special (homemade) dips
- Other original surprises

Vegetable and French Dips Recipes :

Vegetables : you can use cherry tomatoes, sticks of carrots and cucumbers, pieces of cauliflower or radish ; it is quiet quick to prepare them (rince and peel if necessary + cut them in sticks)!. If you want to serve
a dip with it, you can serve it with "fromage blanc sauce" which can be a diet sauce, a French "mayonnaise", or a "cocktail sauce" (all recipes available on click)!.

French canapés

Canapés :

You can offer various kinds of canapés : Mediterranean canapés' preparations : tapenade (olive based), ancholivade (anchovy based) , mousse de saumon (salmon mousse), brandade de morue (cod cream), crabe au citron (crab with lemon)…those are absolutely delicious and have the perfume of the South of France…They are very refined and you can spread them on many different types of bread or crackers in
just a few minutes!.
See other suggestions of preparations in the Buffet Section!.

French vegetable assortment
French vegetables
Other Original Ideas :

Crab sticks : very light too, I like to serve them with
my vegetables ; previously sliced and served with
pics, it's easier of course!. No dip is required!.
Dry sausage : a few thin slices of dry sausage
can be original (our saucisson)!.
Cheese cubes : you can put swiss cheese, cheddar cubes!.!.!. but not too many, it's a rich dish!.
Olives : black or green, stuffed or not, they
always look good and taste good…Www@FoodAQ@Com


French Wines

Beaujolais nouveau
Bourgogne (burgundy)
Cabernet sauvignon

French Dishes

Blanquette de veau (blanquette of veal)
Coq au vin (chicken in red wine)
Pot au feu (beef stew with mixed vegetables)
Bouillabaisse (fish soup) Endives (Belgian endive)
Boudin blanc (Delicate flavored sausage similar to bockwurst)
Foie de veau (calf's liver)
Andouillette (chitterling sausage)
Foie gras (fatty duck or goose liver)

Common desserts and pastries

* Mousse au chocolat (chocolate mousse)
* Crème Br?lée ( burnt custard)
* Mille-feuilles (pastry with many layers)
* Choux à la Crème (cream puffs, see choux pastry)
* Tartes aux fruits (fruit tarts)
* Religieuse (chocolate éclair shaped to resemble a nun)
* Madeleine (a small cake-like cookie)
* Tarte Tatin (caramelized apple tart)
* Gateaux (cake)
* éclairs
* Profiteroles (baked puff pastries (choux) filled with cream or ice cream)

Hope that helps!Www@FoodAQ@Com


Andouillettes au Chablis (Sausage in Chablis): andouillettes (pork sausage), lard, chablis, shallots, mustard, salt, pepper

Créme Br?lée: (Burnt Cream: custard dessert): heavy cream, vanilla extract, egg yolks, sugar

Cassoulet (casserole): white beans, Toulouse sausage, duck or goose confit, pork, pork rinds and duck or goose drippingsWww@FoodAQ@Com

crepes, fondue, chocolate, snails, can of frogsWww@FoodAQ@Com

i have a french teacher and these were the food she told me to research onWww@FoodAQ@Com

le pizza
le pasta
le lasgna
les crêpes
les baguettes
le painWww@FoodAQ@Com

Omlet du framageWww@FoodAQ@Com


croisssent= really good breadWww@FoodAQ@Com

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