What are some Colombian drinks?!

Question: What are some Colombian drinks?
I am doing a Spanish project and i need to find what people drink in Colombia for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Can you guy please help me by listing at least ONE drink for each meal. Thanks a lot i appreciate it.


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Typical Colombian Drinks

AGUAPANELA: Made by dissolving a block of sugarcane into water and adding lime juice, aguapanela is a common refreshment in Colombia and neighbouring countries. It is normally made in the home in large batches. (We imagine because of all the stirring it takes to dissolve the sugar cane).

AGUADIENTE: While each South American country has their own Aguardiente, Colombia might be the country that consumes the most. There are fierce rivalries between the producers of each region, and Colombians are proud of their national liqueur. It is derived from sugarcane and contains the aniseed flavours. It has 29% alcohol content, although you can find aniseed flavoured liqueurs with less alcohol as well. It is consumed more inland, as Colombians living on the coast generally prefer rum.

CA?ELAZO: Alcoholic drink. Aquardientes will be mixed with either Aguapanela and cinnamon. Sometimes you can find it with fresh fruit juices instead of Aguapanela.

CHAMPúS: It is made with maize and a mixture of fruits and then seasoned with cinnamon, cloves and orange trees leaves. It is reserved almost exclusively for the Christmas season. It is also drunk in Peru and Ecuador.

CHICHA: This is a typical drink from the indigenous people of the South American Andes. Most of the time it is made from fermented maize, sometimes from fruit. Just keep in mind that in some cultures instead of the germination of the maize, the maize will be ground and chewed in the mouth of the chicha maker instead.

COFFEE: Colombian coffee is famous all around the world. Unfortunately most of the high quality coffee will be exported and some people say that the coffee you find in Colombia is not of such a high quality. When they ask you if you would like a "tinto" don't always expect a glass of red wine. In Colombia it is the name for a light and sweet coffee as well.

COLOMBIANA: Soda drink of tamarindo.

FRUIT JUICES: You can find excellent fruit juices all over Colombia. Especially in hot regions or the coastal areas the fruit juices will often be mixed with sugar, milk or water.

GUARAPO: Is very similar to chicha. It is probably one of the oldest Indian drinks made of fermented pineapple or other fruit like grapes. The juice of raw sugar cane is also called Guarapo.

LULADA: Is a special drink served in Cali. It is made of the pulp of the local fruit lulo mixed together with water, sugar and ice cubes. It also can be served with a shot of Vodka.

REFAJO: It is a mix of Colombiana with either beer or rum.

RUM: The Colombian rum is high quality and is likely to be drunk at night clubs. Unlike in Europe or North America, where you can order a single drink mixed with rum, here it is generally served as an entire bottle. Everyone at your table is welcome to join in with a bit of ice and lime.

SALPICóN: Mixed chopped up fruit with either soda or orange juice.

Breakfast: Chocolate milk, milk, orange juice and more tipically, hot chocolate but pay attention to this part, they chop pieces of chese, ¨ queso campesino¨ and they put it INSIDE the chocolate, so it melts, and when you take it to your mouth, it will have the chocolate and the cheese, and it's great, i have tried it.
Lunch: all types of juice, Colombia is a VERY diverse country when it comes to fruits, common juices are, lulo, papaya, mora, guanabana, naranja, mandarina, feijoa, corozo, patilla, pitalla, maracuya, mango, pi?a, coco, guayaba, kiwi, carambola..just to name a few, here we have fruits that other people can't even dream of. OR, ¨aguapanela con limon¨ wich is panela water with lemon, really nice, too
Dinner: tea, (where its hot or cold), soda (coca-cola, sprite, 7-up, colombiana, quatro, kola roman, hipinto (those 4 are national, love them) and some people like to have juices, too.

Colombian mother, born and raised in Spain, currently living in Colombia and loving it.

(traslated with www.elmundo.es or other) i don′t speak english:

BEBIDAS DESAYUNO: café, agua de panela caliente, chocolate con agua de panela o leche.
BEBIDAS ALMUERZO: principalmente jugos (maracuyá, tomate de árbol, mango, lulo, mora, etc, etc).
BEBIDAS COMIDA: puede ser otra vez café o cualquier jugo.

en una FIESTA: Aguardiente o ron.

.... this good answer of lady write up.

coffee coffee and more coffee. LOL add some table red wine to that list for dinner and supper and you've got it!
seriously though that's all we drink

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