What culture/ethnic background should I choose to research for a food assignment?!
1. What foods grow naturally in that area?
2. What traditions determine what is or is not eaten?
3. What cooking techniques are used. Spices etc.
4. What influence has that country's food had in the U.S.?
Italian food has had a huge impact on american cuisine. I'd use a juxtaposition of Northern and Southern Italy, as each is very distinct and different.
Lebanese. There are many spices used in their cooking, since Lebanon is in the middle east much of the food is kosher/halal(sp?) which of course means no pork. And many people in the US love shawarma, meat, veggies, and a unique sauce stuffed into pita bread. :)
Well try something that no one else would do. Like Morrocan cuisine is very ethnic. For your third question I know personally since I am Morrocan. They use lots and lots of cumin, saffron if it is availible, and a ton of parsley. Was I a help?
Mexican, Jewish, German, Italian, or Chinese. Just pick your favorite food and go with it.
What is your ethnic background? Try choosing something from that.