How many Calories in Spaghetti with Meat sauce?!

Question: How many Calories in Spaghetti with Meat sauce?
The Meat sauce is homemade.

The spaghetti is from Giada (:


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

You don't give enough info. How much are you going to eat to start with? What's in your sauce? Read the package label for the spaghetti and it will tell you how much pasta has how many
calories per serving.

Are you adding cheese? Give more info for a better answer.

40+ yrs cooking

Don't know what you put in the sauce, or how much sauce you're eating, so it's impossible to give you any information here.

The spaghetti, like all other food, comes with nutritional information printed on the package, so you can look at that.

To estimate the calories in something that's homemade, just add up the total calories of everything you added to it. For instance, 1lb of ground beef, 2 cans of tomato sauce, etc. and then divide that by how many servings you get out of it. Herbs and spices don't add any calories, and personally, I don't count calories for things like onions, carrots, celery, etc, even if they're present in the dish. For instance if your entire pot of meat sauce has a total of 2000 calories, but you get 10 servings out of it, then each serving only had 200 calories.

Half a plate is more than one's more like 2 or 3 servings but it's hard to tell the calories with all the other things because we dont know how much cheese, meat or fatty sausage you used.'s a carb filled calorie fest and there is no point in even asking how many calories are in a meal like that

Too many - spaghetti, in Italy, is a side dish, NOT an entree. If you're concerned about calories, may I suggest preparing spaghetti squash (simple to do in the microwave, then shred with a fork into what will resemble cooked spaghetti) and top it with your sauce. DELICIOUS and guilt-free !

...can't know for sure. we don't even know how much you're making, or what's in the sauce since it's homemade...

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