Fortune Cookie Country?!
Best Answer - Chosen by Voters
There was a similar food made by the Japanese, but they are not fortune cookies. But they were more of an American thing that was made. But the thing is that they are absent in China even though the are served in Chinese places more than anywhere else. And the city in which it was first made in was San Francisco by Makoto Hagiwara of Golden Gate Park's Japanese Tea Garden. The fortune cookies were made by a San Francisco bakery, Benkyodo.
And I do realize that my source is Wikipedia, but really think about it, who wants to jack up the information on fortune cookies?
Anyways I hope that answers your question, good luck on your project!
This is so silly, but they were invented in California
...I believe it was invented at the Japanese Tea Garden in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco CA...but do not know the year!!
San Fransisco, USA
They were invented in the US... San Francisco.