Why does everyone make fun of British food, are they jealous of British celebrity chefs being the most famous?!

Question: Why does everyone make fun of British food, are they jealous of British celebrity chefs being the most famous?
and London being the gourmet capital of the world?


They dont know how to cook and rely on Mc Donalds.

I don't think you are quite correct. Yes, there are some who do make fun of British food. Usually they have no real idea just what is British food. Too many old movies or trashy novels. Also a whole generation has been brought up on packaged fast food and stand up restaurants. Interesting, French restaurants are also gradually disappearing. Here just about all the ethnic restaurants are Oriental, Italian or Mexican plus maybe one or two German and British relegated to a few pub food places.

I am a senior male in the U.S. I don't make fun of British food, but let me tell you my impression. Any time I see a question about peoples' favorite nationality or regional type foods, I see: Italian, French, Chinese, German, Thai, Cajun, Caribbean, Southern American, Tex-Mex, and on and on, but I never see "British". People just do not relate to British cuisine.

I would be hard pressed to name a British dish. The closest I could come would be corned beef and cabbage, but I believe that to be Irish. The point is, I don't think British food has made an impact on the world's taste buds, and as a result the perception is that it is tasteless and boring. I know that cannot be true, but that must be the perception.

The celebrity chefs you refer to, I assume Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsey, have made somewhat of a splash here in the US, but they certainly have not, at least in my mind, become "the most famous". I typically turn Gordon's shows off because of his abusiveness , and never watch Jamie's show, but that is a personal taste, not necessarily indicative of America's.

I invite you to identify a dish or 2 that people, internationally, would identify as being British. Maybe that will change some perceptions.

Thanks for reading my diatribe. I have nothing against the Brits or your food, just cannot identify what it is.

The most famous British celeb chefs are Gordon Ramsey and Jamie Oliver. I can't get past Ramsey's horrid personality and I haven't seen any great food produced by Jamie Oliver. I can't think why anyone would be jealous of those two. Other than that, the British food is mostly based on Indian and french cuisine. The only truly English dishes seem to be mutton and fish and chips. I've had both and can't complain.

British chefs are famous for only appearing on tv. They do not make the best food. In any case, they hardly cook british food. Examples of British food are Pigs in Blanket, Spotted Dick and Toad in a hole. Frankly, these traditional british food are a turn-off just hearing their names.

lived in london for 3 years.

People have misconceptions about food from different countries and regions just like they have misconceptions about people from different countries and regions.
Thats why travel can be so much fun.
And I thing "everyone' is a blanket statement that is not true.

^^ It is NOT like the UK is famous for any foods, I cannot even name one food from the UK !
No one is rushing to the UK for the foods, maybe to see Big Ben or the old Queen ?!
We all know who is still number one ? FRANCE !

You really don't get out much, do you? Where precisely is it that "British celebrity chefs" are the "most famous"?

In Britain, perhaps?

the reason most people made fun was based on accounts that all British people ate was fish and chips and awful it was not until lately chefs from england have strayed away from the bland tasteless food of there forefathers

Come on, really now, how creative is Fish and Chips? Britain claims that curry was invented by the British and therefore is a traditional British dish...hmmm lemme think about that.....

I think you're onto something.

Ha! Ha! Ha! ??????

I suppose its because they dont think of us as a 'gourmet food' nation. They equate Britain with Fish 'n' Chips. Same with America - burgers and hot dogs!

because there is not enough food on the plate to be called a meal.

London's gourmet culture is built on French cuisine though.

Our celeb chefs are a bit on the arrogant side too.

I agree.At least they dish up a good plateful without all that posing and fluffing around!

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