Should i use olive oil?!

Question: Should i use olive oil?
Im making play dough for a class and the instructions says to use vegetable oil but i only have a olive oil. Do u think there will be a difference if i use olive oil?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Go for it!

Have lotsa fun!!!!!!!!

Olive oil has a darker yellow colour so it may affect the play dough if you add blue food colour - it might turn green. It is more expensive but if you can afford it go for it. Maybe buy some veggie oil for the next batch of play dough. The kids don't get to eat it anyways. Not after all those dirty little fingers!

you can but it's definitely a waste!
In Italy we call it liquid gold...

Definitely dont

Is the olive oil is more healthier.

it's the same thing, olive oil being eaten is just a little healthier :)


i've done it before

not at all
hope this helps!

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