Is it safe if i may be pregnant and eat cookie dough?!

Question: Is it safe if i may be pregnant and eat cookie dough?
I think I may be pregnant and I wanted to know if its safe to consume cookie dough since I'm Really craving it! ( on the package it says don't eat raw cookie dough that's why I want to know) its pillsbury choco chip cookie dough


No it could be contaminated with salmonella. Eat cookie dough ice cream! Yum!

When you are pregnant, everything crosses the placental barrier. What you eat when you are pregnant does matter.

NO caffeine - coffee or tea, pop or colas, sugar, alcohol, drugs of any kind illegal or not, cigarette or any other tobacco smoke, junk food, unpasturized cheeses or unpasturized dairy products, raw eggs, raw fish, raw meats, etc. Eat organically if at all possible. You could be giving birth to someone that could go on to be a doctor or a ditch digger... let them make the choice.

FoodSafe Instructor/Mom/Grandma

Eat it, it's fine.
Frozen cookie dough has so many preservatives that the sugar, HFCS and fat kills any bacteria there could be in the egg. Freezing kills bacteria too. It is fine to eat, they only HAVE to say that warning due to legal.

No, I'm sorry. Its too much of a risk but here's what you can do :…

No. You want salmonella poisoning? BAKE the dough.

not good for baby!

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