Brownish green steak?!

Question: Brownish green steak?
I bought some sirloin steak 4 days ago, the label says "ENJOY BY Feb 18" it's now Feb 21 and I haven't enjoyed them. The steaks are bright red in small areas and are 75% browninsh green. They don't smell bad but should I risk it?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

smell trumps all....

It should be OK....

Usually the discoloration is on the outside, not inside. If you trust your knife skills, shave the coloration off...

But sooner than later on cooking it...

the date is mandated by the USDA to make stores toss what hasnt been sold by then.

Ive eaten alot of discolored steak, and Im still here!

If the smell is fine, please dine! What most butchers do with partially brown/green meat is just cut it off anyway, so you're fine...

Next time, if you're not going to use the meat any time soon, just freeze it! :-)

You can also hide the color with lots of Hungarian Sweet Paprika. It also gives a wonderful flavor to doubtful meats!

Rinse them well and pat them dry. If they don't smell they might be okay. When in doubt throw them out and learn a lesson.

The reason they turn that color is because of oxygen exposure. If they don't smell bad, then your fine to enjoy them still. Just make sure you cook them really well! ;)

actually, give them a few more days to turn completely green, then cook.

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