What do you think of Sushi?? Favorite type of Sushi and why?!

Question: What do you think of Sushi?? Favorite type of Sushi and why?
I want to know what your opinion on sushi is.
If you like it, what is your favorite(s) and why.
If you dislike, what turns you off about it.
You're advice to someone who is going to try sushi for the first time?


The first time I tried sushi was at a sushi night in a japanese restaurant, on holiday. I had it made in front of me by real japanese men ;) I luurve sushi. That's probably because it's an unusual type of food that I don't have the opportunity to eat very often.
I like the variety of it; I even tried one that was in a pancake. It was still slightly spicy, but the pancake made it more delicate. The rice is a special kind, which isn't really sticky, as some people seem to think. When you eat it, you can almost taste how healthy it is.
However, I can't stand the sushi parodies you can buy in a supermarket. Most of them are made for
the western taste and aren't really, truly sushi.Yuck. Shun the trashy supermarket sushi.


DON'T follow your instincts when it comes to wasabi; it's eleven times stronger than it looks. I think they should dye it red, as a warning to people trying it for the first time :S
I tried a lump of it from the end of my chopstick, and nearly started crying, and I had the whole restaurant of initiated sushi-enthusiasts literally point and laugh.

The same goes for marinated salmon; the taste, for me, was absolutely horrendous. Try just a tiny
bit before you put any on the plate.

I like sushi. A LOT. But only in small portions. Too much can make me a bit queasy. :S

I like the vegetable and chicken ones, just because some of the ingredients in the others are a little unusual to me. :L

To people who are trying it for the first time: - try it is small bit size pieces first. Some people really hate it, like my sister, so I guess it's all about what you like and what your stomach can handle.

oh i love sushi! it's small and very healthy. not only for your body but for your skin and brain either. i love tempura sushi maki and smoked salmon maki. salmon is good for your brain, it's also filled with some veggies so it's extra healthy. if you dont like raw fish (sashimi) you can order the smoked one. it tasted great

well i love chicken and avocado sushi!

i dislike tradiotional sushi because i cant stand the raw fish, slimy!

wheras chicken has to be cooked!

Yuk ! It just doesn`t look like food .

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