Do you know any restaurants that microwave their food?!

Question: Do you know any restaurants that microwave their food?
Ones I know of:

Frankie & Benny's- advised by a friend who used to work their that everything is bought in frozen, even the pizza dough, and just heated in the microwave- quite shicked by this!

Weatherspoons: My brother had to walk through the kitchens to the back door to accompany his injured friend, and said the kitchen was row upon row of Microwaves.

Harvester- heard from a friend that everything is just re-heated in a microwave.

Does anyone else know any? Or know any chains that actually properly cook their food?


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i know for a fact that burger king put all burgers in the microwave for 10-15 seconds prior to serving.

it's simply to ensure that the product is of an acceptable temperature.

It would be rare to find a restaurant that doesn't have a microwave in it.

There is nothing wrong with a microwave - it's just an appliance to apply to heat to food. There isn't anything wrong with that.

What did they do before microwaves? Well - for the most part, your food just took longer!

Many places will par-cook some things, then cool them down in the cooler and bring them up to serving temp in the microwave. Really there is no difference to that and using a convection oven for reheating. Obviously things that need a char or carmelization won't work in the microwave - for those, they can focus their attention and time on getting it right using other methods of cooking.

There is hardly a restaurant in existence that doesn't use a microwave in some aspects of it's operation, usually the bigger the chain the more they use, most of it is down to the skill levels within the chain, they simply cannot afford (or get) a full trained head chef in each restaurant, so the food production has to be geared to simplicity.
It doesn;t make them bad people, it is just the way of the world, for food that is cooked properly from scratch every time and made with good ingredients....join me at the stove at home.

ex restauranteur and grandad

Most meals are suppled part cooked (parboiled). So just have to be heated and decorated. Probably why the food makes you feel bloated. There are some big suppliers around like Brake Bros. Just keep your eyes open and you will see the BB lorry pull in round the rear of the pub. Or even check to see how many people staffing the kitchen-probably only one or two and a waitress. They couldn't possibly cook all the meals on the, usually, extensive menus.

WoW. This is disappointing to learn. In the US it's that way , also. Everything is prefab in many places. If, I want frozen food, I'll go to the store , come home, pop it in and eat. simple. When , I go out to eat, I don't want to eat the same crap that I could just nuke myself & save alot of $ and time.Shame on these restaurants.

I too have seen the dozens of microwaves at Frankie and Benny's......its a shame.
I know Zizzis cook all of their food fresh, because the big stone oven is actually on the back wall of the restaurant so you literally see the food being made and can follow your food from the order on paper to the food on the plate.

If you want a list it might be better to ask for restaurants who don't use a microwave.
The food is properly cooked, but might be re-heated and anyone who hasn't done this at home is welcome to enter the 21st Century anytime.

Most restaurants have microwaves. They are really useful tools.

A microwave is not evidence that everything is frozen. (or anything for that matter.)

Seen a few 5 star kitchens.

I would hazard a guess that over 50% use microwaves in their cooking. I think only the small bistro's/restaurants cook from scratch.

Lots of restaurants use microwaves but say their food is fresh

oliver garden

Most of them

If it tastes good, why would you care if it's microwaved or not? Is it really SUCH a crime?

Most restaurants use microwaves. What is a worry is that most restaurants, if they don't use frozen veg, peel and chop their own veg and salads, like potatoes, carrots and celery and then put them in buckets of water in the fridge. I don't recall seeing pumpkin done this way tho. Then they take them out as required, and cook them. The goodness is leached out into the water. A male friend of mine used to eat at the same restaurant every night and he got very sick and the doctor said it was malnutrition!! I would never eat chicken parmiagana or veal parmiagana at a restaurant. It is made way ahead and leftr in the coolroom, and the combination of egg and cheese touching the meat for so long, is not a good one. The breadcrumbs go all slimey too. I would never have soup at a restaurant. It is left on the stove for weeks, with bits of leftovers being chucked in the pot. At night the pot is boiling but in the day it is just left on the stove cos its too heavy to carry to the cool room. Cole slaw goes off very quickly too. One minute it tastes great and a second later it starts to have bubbles rising to the top as it ferments.

Worked at many restaurants.

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