What is your opinion about it?!

Question: What is your opinion about it?
Hi I am a Chilean girl and I have an English boyfriend (Anglo-Saxon ). The problem is that I met his family and they told me something that offended me. They told me they thought that I had dark skin because I was a latin girl. This situation made me feel very angry because you English people do not know that there are white Latinos/as in Chile, Uruguay and Argentina. I'm half Italian and half Spanish, and I have white skin, green eyes and tall.Finally, their family told me that they were very happy with me. I think that sometimes there is racism towards Latinas/os. I'm not racist but I found this situation very sad. What is your opinion?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

No creo que lo hicieran con mala intención, generalmente la gente que vive fuera de este sector piensa que todos lucimos igual, pero bien debes saber que por acá pensamos eso por ejemplo de la gente de Asia (Cuando obviamente son diferentes y tienen también diferentes antepasados como nosotros), así que si te hace sentir incómoda quizás deberías comentarlo pero no en el plan de tomarlo inmediatamente como un insulto.

PD: Perdón por el espa?ol, supongo que sabes el idioma si eres de Chile (La verdad no podría decirlo igual en Inglés)

They didn't mean to offend. They are just culturally idiotic. They've probably never left their country in their lives. I'd say you should try not to be offended since that does not appear to be their actual intention.

i don't think they meant to offend but thats what old people do

Unfortunately, many people are just plain ignorant about other cultures. They don't think they are, but all of their knowledge comes from TV or movies which is full of nothing but inaccuracies and stereotypes.

I don't think they meant to be offensive or racist based on what you've told me. Instead, they sound as though they're willing to deal with their ignorance and learn, so treat this as an opportunity to educate them.

I'm sure you've had your own stereotypes and prejudices about other people - we all have them, and it's only through openess and honesty that we can get rid of them.

What help is that - - ? ?
I feel some what as you - - but "I" dismiss such nonsense"
stupidity - ignorance - what else can I add - ? ?
THERE is not ONE human on earth today that is not "Mixed ancestrally - - YOU cannot have a million years of WAR without rape

My family only looks at being Irish - but how many invasions of the (I don't remember their names) - they came from the north and sack our cities townes - - they came from the east - English - French - Spanish - - BUT remember their nations had also been sack by nations around them also
Good GOD ! all of the religious history is about war and rape
MIXED BLOOD - - because of the male sperm in an act of rage - - ALL of them

I do not know how to advise YOU - - ? ?
purchase your D.N.A analysis - you might add Jewish to ancestry
Please YOUR are human first - - what happened 500 10 000 years ago
you were born in Chile " I was born in chile - you don't like me - - I leave ! ! the color of my skin has nothing to do with my humanity . . . ! !

Remember some of these people realize their bigotry - and just make polite acceptance - without internal resolve
No One On Earth Today Is Pure Blood -- - - No one !
never discuss - Religion - Race - Politics with family
You Can Not Change a Closed MInd

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