Does food go to waste when you buy it from the grocery store?!

Question: Does food go to waste when you buy it from the grocery store?

sometimes because i forget to use it

Just what are you really asking - ? ?

I go to the grocery and buy 1 potato 1 onion 2 roma tomatoes 1lb hamburger 1-2 carrots a bag of celery + ? ?
with in a week they all go into the crock pot - WASTED - I think not - I also have a dog that I moisten her food with the stock left over - ? ?

I don't understand - - ? ? Are you asking about nutritional value - ? ?
No way - - none - - you do not know your nutritional needs and no way to measure them
Eat well - - enjoy your food -- stop stressing
Good Luck my friend

I don't understand the question... Hopefully you're buying the food because you're going to use it - and not let it rot in your house?

It depends when they picked it.

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