What is the difference between various Asian foods?!

Question: What is the difference between various Asian foods?
Not including Indian or Pakistani. I mean like Chinese, Viet, Thai, what have you.


Chinese food tends to be more simple and bland, and for flavour, soy sauce or oyster sauce is used. Most dishes don't include spice/chili (can be added externally), and there are a variety of flavours (salty, sweet etc)

Thai food is usually hot, sour and spicy. They always cook their food with a little chili. Personally I find Thai food very spicy (I don't have good tolerance!), but it has strong flavour too.

As for vietnamese...I've never tried it so I'm unsure. It's somewhat similar to Thai food but much milder. I think it shares more similarities with Chinese food.

I think you can search the net easily for comparisons! =)


Probably outsiders can't differentiate much but the base ingredients will be very unique to each of them esp the sauces

Chinese is made with dogs
Viet with cats
Thai with who knows

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