Whenever I try to cook Pasta Fazul a hand comes out of the dish and slaps me silly?!

Question: Whenever I try to cook Pasta Fazul a hand comes out of the dish and slaps me silly?
I am not trolling - just want to say that.

Is it spirits?
Whenever I add the final touch to my Pasta Fazul - a hand comes out of the dish, and slaps me silly.



hey buddy got your answer here..yes I think its the spirits I have a similar experiance when I use the bathroom a hand comes up and tickles my bum. Now heres what you do just pretend you are doing the final touch and when that hand comes up step back sharply and give it a good old wack with a stick of rhubarb this has worked for me in the past.Gotta go now the wardens coming back.

How to fight off evil spirits with rhubarb published 2007

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