Ate raw chicken what should i do?!

Question: Ate raw chicken what should i do?
i went out to eat about 5 hrs ago at a mexican restaurantAnd when I went to make my taco there was a BIG chunk of raw chicken I had already eaten 2 tortilla shells from the same stack and now my stomachis REALLY upset I'm not sure if I'm just freaking myself out or if I should be worried


If you think you can get to the store, run out and get a TON of gatorade and water. If you can't get there without throwing up your stomach and half of your intestinal tract, call a friend and have them bring it. Stay close to the bathroom. That is very important. You're in for a rather nasty day if you get food poisoning. This happened to me a couple weeks ago.

Water is for when you have nothing left to throw up. It makes things a lot less uncomfortable. Gatorade is for when you stop throwing up. It's comparatively inexpensive and it has electrolytes that will help you absorb water a lot better. You don't want to get dehydrated. I fainted from it, and it is terrifying.

The next day, I would stick with runny oatmeal, yogurts, puddings, jello, and any other close to liquid foods. Food poisoning can cause gastroenteritis, which will completely kill your appetite. Yogurt is particularly good at treating that. ESPECIALLY live culture. The data on probiotics is conflicted at best, but it helped me. Go with the highest culture count you can find. it's on every box.

The next day, you should be able to move on to PBJ (for the protein), thicker cereals, green vegetables, and other semisolid foods. Salad is your friend. Then third day is back to normal (keep in mind, this graduation is all dependent on your ability to tolerate it, you'll know if you're over working your system, trust me).

So, stay hydrated, move up from liquid to solid food over the course of a couple of days, and stay close to the toilet for today until you stop puking/diarrhea.

My doctor's advice to me when this happened to me a couple weeks ago.

You have symptoms of food poisoning, and from chicken; can potentially be life threatening.
You need to see a doctor now, and probably sort some sort of order against the freaking restaurant for serving you that!

Do not drink, the best thing you can do is make yourself vomit. Drinking will encourage it's flow into your bloodstream, whilst vomiting will get it out of you.
I know it's gross, but think about the possible consequences.

5 hours ago... you're on the borderline of knowing if you'll get sick or not.
Basically, if you do get sick, you just have to let food poisoning take it's course. There's nothing you really can do since the food is already in your system, for 5 hours.

Stay hydrated if you do get sick.

Edit... Since you are a chef, you should know that just because you ate some raw chicken, it doesn't mean you'll automatically get sick. We all have immune systems that work fairly well. You just need to figure out if you're actually sick or if you're talking yourself into being sick.

Too late to do it now, but if this happens again in the future, force yourself to vomit. Then drink a couple shots of hard alcohol like vodka or whiskey. The alcohol should kill most of the harmful bacteria remaining in your stomach.

5 hours later with this type of symptom, seek medical attention asap.

You should definitely be worried. Raw chicken is extremely bad, like a poison. The stomach pains you are experiencing are probably food poisoning. I suggest you see a doctor immediately.

When you feel nausea drink a lot of water, if you want drink diluted Gatorade, when the nausea, vomiting and diarrhea stop try ginger ale with saltine cookies.

apart from spewing it out episode you should take some panadol then sue that stuppid restuarant!!

you should be worried because raw things will give you worms in you.see a doctor!

See A doctor

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