So,what is kosher food like?!

Question: So,what is kosher food like?
Can somebody please explain me what exactly is kosher? Because I've heard a lots of explanations,but none of them seem logical.Thank you.


Kosher is a set of rules followed by some people of the Jewish faith. They come from the Torah, and some are also mentioned in the Old Testament - such as not eating any pork or shellfish.

The rules go beyond just food, but also apply to its storage and preparation. Facilities that produce Kosher food must also be throughly inspected and then blessed by a Rabbi.

So, for instance, pizza topped with pepperoni - even if it's made with beef - is not Kosher because it has cheese and meat together.

Most of my friends who are Jewish only keep Kosher to some varying degree. For instance, most won't eat shellfish, but one of my friends still likes bacon on occasion.

Things like Pastrami and Corned Beef are both examples of Kosher meat. In the past, they did this to preserve the meat so it would stay good for a long time. But nowadays, we still enjoy these for their taste.

(note: kosher salt has nothing to do with Jewish Kosher food. Kosher salt was originally used for "koshering" meat - which is another preservation technique in which you encase the meat in a layer of salt. The larger flakes of kosher salt made this process easier, hence its name.)

Time to google for that answer. I have cooked "kosher" for weddings.

Can't mix meat and milk together - in case you are cooking the calf in the milk of the cow.

The meat is from the front half of the animal - logical as the back half of the animal is where the intestines and the "poop" is.
NO pork - logical because pork can have many parasites such as trichinosis.
NO shellfish - logical - it spoils rapidly
NO fish without scales - again - like shark - which pees through its skin
NO cloven hoofed animals

check out the laws, it is interesting

It also shows a reverence and knowledge and respect for the food that we eat. Paying attention to our lives.


the two abrahamic religions -------judaism and islam have dietary laws [food laws] ------people who follow these religions have to follow their dietary laws

in judaism -----the dietary laws are called -----kosher laws

in islam -----it's called the halal concept --------[dealing with meat and non veg items ]------the main aim of halal ---is to make sure that blood is removed out of the animal completely -----as eating or drinking blood is banned in islam

and also birds of prey ---which hold their prey in their claws ---are banned and cannot be eaten according to the halal concept in islam

in jewish kosher law --also ------eating or drinking animal blood is banned ------hence ----jews use ,KOSHER SALT------to rub it on the carcass of an animal ---so that the large crystals of the salt absorb the blood completelty from the flesh

according to halal and kosher------animals are killed in a specific way -----so that blood drains out of the animal carcass ------and the animal is hung upside down on a hook ------so that blood drains out, due to gravity

in kosher ------fish and meat are not eaten at the same time --------as well as dairy products are not eaten along with meat items

and many items are there in the list ------which cannot be eaten by jews ----according to the laws of kosher

kosher is not a food -----kosher means food laws of the jews [ how to consume ,what to consume ,etc ]

good luck

Well, one person did a pretty good job of explaining it. dairy and meat are never mixed. there are separate dishes and utensils for both. Only certain animals are permitted. The laws are in the torah then the Rabbi's built a fence around it. For instance because we can't eat meat i.e four legged critter wtih milk products, neither is poultry eaten with milke. That way no one will think it's ok to mix meat and milk. The literal law is thou shalt not cook a kid in it's mother's milk. You should take an intro to judaism class to get a better handle on it, or check out some books from the library. Animals must be killed by a person trained to do it the proper way. For Beef the person must put his forehead on the animal's and slit it's throat from one side to the other. We are to treat animals humanely. And that seems quicker than stunning them then killing them. Hope that helps.

kosher refers to the dietary laws of the jewish people as written in the torah, and added and explained by the rabbis over the years. any food is kosher if it adheres to the laws of kashrut. here is a wonderful link the explains the laws of kashrut (kosher):


Officer Farva

its jewish. . . ish. :D

my friend who is jew

kosher food is killed immediately and has no pork, too.

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