How many meat eating extremists groups are there?!


How many meat eating extremists groups are there?

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1 week ago
Micheal H
Was Hitler not a veggie?

1 week ago
Nicely put, Vegan and Proud however I am from the UK a country that is far more protective and respective of it's farm animals and animals in general with a few exceptions in the big farming companies and individual sickos with we have many restrictions against bad practise and the goverment will act swiftly against those who break the rules, your country on the other hand is far more aggresive and disrespectful towards all life let alone animals NOT ALL you understand !!! and is a true product of greed you have one heck of a fight on your hands over there I wish you luck on that battle you have my deepest sympathy and full support (please pardon any spelling mistakes my spell check is broken)

1 week ago
Odd I wonder why the little up take to this question hummmmm! I wonder........

1 week ago
My point is simply this there are NO meat eating extremists. Fantical Extremists are the preserve of the vegan's ONLY and the vegans that support their OWN extremists as shown many times on here are the problem and the reason quite normal people will not stand for the preaching and vile remarks made by your fellow vegans oh you are not a mind reader but!!! sooo many of your people claim to be far superior to meat eaters I thought your lot knew everything, need I remind of the comments your lot have made of meat eaters.. words like murderers,bullies,scum,peados oh and racistis. Until you stand up against these vile vegans who have in my eyes have completly destroyed any crediabilty for your Nobel views. You will always be hounded by the harsher and hurtful approach of the meaner meat eaters

1 week ago
I must point out it is in fact only a few so called Vegans that have this affect NOT ALL before you start.
I once again I say sorry to the Vegans who respect others life choices.

1 week ago
LOL Xxxsarah,, I would pay good money to watch that !!!!

1 week ago
Micheal H
Was Hitler not a veggie?

1 week ago
Nicely put, Vegan and Proud however I am from the UK a country that is far more protective and respective of it's farm animals and animals in general with a few exceptions in the big farming companies and individual sickos with we have many restrictions against bad practise and the goverment will act swiftly against those who break the rules, your country on the other hand is far more aggresive and disrespectful towards all life let alone animals NOT ALL you understand !!! and is a true product of greed you have one heck of a fight on your hands over there I wish you luck on that battle you have my deepest sympathy and full support (please pardon any spelling mistakes my spell check is broken)

1 week ago
Odd I wonder why the little up take to this question hummmmm! I wonder........

1 week ago
My point is simply this there are NO meat eating extremists. Fantical Extremists are the preserve of the vegan's ONLY and the vegans that support their OWN extremists as shown many times on here are the problem and the reason quite normal people will not stand for the preaching and vile remarks made by your fellow vegans oh you are not a mind reader but!!! sooo many of your people claim to be far superior to meat eaters I thought your lot knew everything, need I remind of the comments your lot have made of meat eaters.. words like murderers,bullies,scum,peados oh and racistis. Until you stand up against these vile vegans who have in my eyes have completly destroyed any crediabilty for your Nobel views. You will always be hounded by the harsher and hurtful approach of the meaner meat eaters

1 week ago
I must point out it is in fact only a few so called Vegans that have this affect NOT ALL before you start.
I once again I say sorry to the Vegans who respect others life choices.

1 week ago
LOL Xxxsarah,, I would pay good money to watch that !!!!

dunno but im in a group called

p.s gordan ramsey sucks my plan is to eat loads of carrots,turn into super strawberry and kick his a s s yaaay

lol...good question...probably a person who was raised on a beef/milk farm in a small redneck town im sure there would have been one there if any meat eating extremist groups were out there

The entire world is a meat eating extremist group.

Good question

Does the "beefeater loyalty card" count i suspect it does

There are certainly many groups that meet specifically to eat meat, so i guess they all count because thier pleasure seems to come from the pain of the animal rather than the need to eat food.

Also, i would think that virtually all extreme groups in the world are made up mainly of meat-eaters.

So what shall we say, 99.99% of extreme groups are made of meat-eaters. That sounds about right

EDIT: no, hitler was not a vegetarian. He abstained from red meat because he had something-or-other wrong with his stomach. If he was a veggie, don't you think he would have shouted about it, like he did with smoking / gays/ jews / non-arien etc etc ? Proof please.

EDIT2: I TOO live in the UK, I'm an arable farmer living in the midst of beef and dairy farms. Believe me, its no better here, i can gurantee that, i see it all the time. No scaremongering, i see it all with my own eyes. Its not the farmers fault,t hey would definately prefer to farm in more natural methods. Its driven by price by meat-eaters.

Have you seem a carousel milking machine ? With all the bribe feed computerised methods used.? Me thinks many people would change thier minds about milk if they saw these factories in the UK.

the ASDA advert showing some celebrity milking a cow is laughable.

EDIT3: these is little take up to your question because its ambiguous. Are you asking for special interest groups that eat meat. Or general groups that eat meat, or what ?

Veggies are great, but we are not mindreaders.

and why would veggies and vegans care about how many meat-eating groups there are ? You are asking is a self-selecting forum as if the lack of answers means there are very few meat-eating extremist groups.

There are several extreme meat eating groups,they may not seem like it or present themselves as such though.

The government has plenty of meat and dairy industry lobbyists,here is just some examples showing that:
-Many people were raised on the four food groups,two of those groups were animal products,there originally twelve food groups,it got shortened down to 2 after pressure from the meat and dairy industry
-I don't know if you've ever heard about the case with Howrd Lyman and Oprah vs. Meat,basically the meat industry tried to sue oprah and Lyman for letting people know that animals were being fed back to animals on Oprah's show
-Alisa Harrison was the former spokesperson for the USDA,she was the spokesperson for the National Cattleman's Beef Association for 15 years
-The government CANNOT have a mandatory recall for animal products,it has to be done voluntarily by the meat and dairy companies
-France, which has only a fraction of the U.S. cattle population, tests more cattle in a single week then the U.S. has tested in a decade
-In fact, the USDA, now tests only 1 percent of all slaughtered cows
-Between the years 2000 and 2005, agribusinesses funneled more than $140 million to politicians, who more than earned their money by ensuring that laws that might protect consumers, animals, or the environment would not pass.
-The money trail from the meat industry leads all the way to the Oval Office―during the 2000 presidential campaign, meat industry groups donated $600,000 to George W. Bush, compared with $23,000 to Al Gore
-In October 1999, Michele Merkel, a former staff attorney in the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) enforcement division, filed the EPA’s first-ever lawsuit against a factory farm for Clean Air Act violations. However, she says: “Once the Bush team came in, I was not allowed to pursue any further air lawsuits against CAFOs [Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, i.e., factory farms]. We got political cover to continue what was underway, but I was told that new efforts were off-limits. It wasn’t just coming from my EPA superiors, it was coming from the White House.”

I guees the USDA,etc does not qualify as an extremist group,but I think it is still significant that they are run by lobbyists.Why do you think people think they need to drink cow's milk for strong bones?Or that if you don't eat meat then you can't get enough protein?I'm sure it is because of the USDA food pyramid and all of those Got mIlk? ads.

You can read more through these sites:

I think these groups qualify as extremist(they're not meat-oriented only,but they definetly push it's consumption):

This is about the Hitler being vegetarian myth:

Think a few folks on here (a certain veggie squaddie above) are getting a little carried away with all this. However to answer your question, I am not part of a group, but I was exploring the idea of setting up a carnivore speak easy just in case this government bans meat along with everything else. Your more than welcome to join us for a rump buffalo steak this Sunday

Well I'm part of a carnivore group, but we are just against the inhumane treatment of plants and refuse to eat them. And no, meat eaters are not the majority of all extremist groups.

What's your point? Extremity only comes with a belief system. Eating meat is not a belief system.

Eating meat is not an ethical position- but NOT eating it is.

(Call this an addendum to previous answers)

To be called an extremist one has to be outside of the popularity. Islamic extremists do not agree with the principles of Islam. Right wing extremists do not totally agree with the right wing.

I guess a meat eating extremist could be someone who eats nothing but meat, and would therefore stand aside from the masses.

Americans, and most technically advanced cultural groups are meat-eating cultural groups. To show support for the cultural group is not extremist. But anyone who questions the norms of the cultural group is open to being called an extremist or deviant.

Now there are extremist groups that eat meat - think Michigan Militia, or the KKK. But they are not extremist because they eat meat.

"Vegan and Proud" is on target in describing the extreme use of power that the cattle and dairy industries have harvested over the past 150 years. With industrialization, came co-operatives, these grew into organizations and unions, gaining political power with each new member.

To view one of the earliest examples of political power these unions hold, check out the Groat Bill - circa 1892 - Basically the Dairy Union was afraid of the ability of the margarine industry to produce something close to butter for much less money. They persuaded Congress to add a tax to margarine alone, to raise the price to that equal to or higher than butter.

This destroyed competition, denied the poor the opportunity to continue purchasing an affordable alternative (both are constitutionally wrong), and began a history of lobbying from these industries, that hasn't ended.

Also ask yourself, "Why does the food pyramid come from the USDA, and not the department of HHS (health and human services), because it is a marketing tool to keep these cultural beliefs alive. It is one of few marketing tools that is allowed access to our public schools, and is funded by our tax money.

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