Whats the difference between a vegitarian and a vegan?!


Whats the difference between a vegitarian and a vegan?

vegans don't eat any food produced by animals - eggs, dairy products etc

Vegetarians don't eat any type of animals including fish...Vegans don't eat any types of animals also including fish, plus nothing from an animal such as milk, eggs, and cheese.

Vegans are against killing the animals and Vegetarians are pretty much in it for the health benefits.

Vegans don't eat dairy

vegetarians eat cheese and milk and yogurt but vegans dont

Vegetarianism is the practice of not consuming the flesh of any animal (including sea animals) with or without also eschewing other animal derivatives, such as dairy products or eggs[1]. Some vegetarians choose to also refrain from wearing clothing that has involved the death of animals, such as leather, silk and fur. Veganism excludes all animal products from diet and attire, whether or not their production has involved the actual death of an animal (dairy, eggs, honey, wool, silk and down feathers). Vegetarians have varied motivations including religious, cultural, ethical, environmental, social, economic, and health concerns.

Veganism (also strict or pure vegetarianism) is a philosophy and lifestyle that seeks to exclude the use of animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose.[1] Vegans do not use or consume animal products, notably meat, fish, poultry, eggs, and dairy products.[2]
A 2002 Time Magazine poll, and a National Diet & Nutrition Survey in Great Britain, indicated that some of the most popular reasons for practicing a vegan diet include ethical concerns for animal rights or the environment, perceived health benefits, and spiritual or religious concerns.[3][4] Various polls have reported vegans to be between 0.2%[3] and 1.3%[5] of the U.S. population, and between 0.25%[4] and 0.4%[6] of the UK population. The Times estimates there are 250,000 vegans in Britain.[6]
Vegetarian diets like veganism have been credited with lowering the risk of colon cancer, heart attack, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, prostate cancer, and stroke.[7] Due to health risks associated with the reduced levels of some vitamins and minerals in a poorly-managed vegan diet (B12, D, calcium and iodine), vegans are encouraged to take supplements and monitor their diet.

A vegan eats no animal products whatsoever, where as a vegetarian does eat eggs, milk, cheese, etc. just no animal flesh.

Vegans will eat no animal products i.e. dairy,meat,fish etc. Vegetarians dont eat meat.

A vegetarian will not eat meat or any product that has been produced with any part of a dead animal. They can either not eat meat because they don't like the taste or because they do not agree with the slaughter of animals. A vegan, however will also be a vegetarian but will not eat/drink anything related to animals such as dairy products. This is usually because they do not agree with animals being exploited for mans use. Living a vegan life can be very hard indeed as they could take it to the extreme where everything they do or buy should not have had an negative impact of the well being of animals. Even owning a pair of leather shoes or buying a medical product that was tested on animals could be banned by some vegans.

Vegetarians don't eat meat.
Vegans don't eat ANYTHING produced by an animal, or even an insect. (Strict vegans won't eat honey - it is produced by bees.)
No milk, cheese, eggs, or anything made with them.

Vegetarians don't eat meat, vegans on the other hand won't eat any product that comes from animals eg eggs, cheese, milk.

A vegetarian does not eat any animal meat including fish. No cows, chickens, lambs, fish---nothing.

A vegan on the other hand is like a vegetarian in a way. Vegans eat no animal meat but they also eat no animal products. Animal products are like cheese and milk from cows, etc. Vegans eat mostly fruits ,veggies, and nuts. That's pretty much what they're limited to.

A vegitarian does not eat meat.
A vegan does not eat any dairy products.

vegans don't consume any type of animal products such as milk, eggs, etc

I went for the vegiquarian option
Nothing that beaths air.

I stopped eating meat some 15yrs back - But I see no problem in eating unfertilised eggs and milk - they are after all the fruit of animals.

Man's intelligence evolved by eating fish - I think it would be daft to starve my brain of essential raw materials.

vegans dont just not eat food that have been made through animals they wont put it on thier skin.i worked in the bodyshop once,i had a lady come in and go crazy at me as the body butters have lanolin in them.i think its got something to with sheeps wool.

A vegitarian simply does not eat animal flesh or anything produced using animal flesh. Curiously some I've met don't classify fish as animal flesh, but since they're also clearly not vegetables I've given a few people merciless ribbing for that attitude.
A vegan doesn't consume anything produced from animals or by animals. That means no meat, fish or dairy. It also means less immediately obvious abstinance. Honey is off the list. Pasta is off the list. Basically it's a diet of personal choice with practically no redeeming features.

Either way is contrary to human evolution, which would not have given us teeth capable of eating meat if all we were meant to do was eat vegetation. We'd have no incisors or canines, because it's not like you need sharp things to chew up a carrot.

ha, ha..

sorry, i'm not answering your question, many others have done so correctly.

but Wayne, what are you like ? why say you eat fish for "essential raw materials".

If they are so "essential" what are al us vegetarians and vegans then ? Either we are dead, or minor miracles of nature ? How come we are all alive if its so "essential" to eat fish.

A vegitarian doesn't eat any meat-but does eat dairy. A vegan doesn't eat any dairy either. For example a vegan wouldn't eat anything with milk, egg or cheese in.

Vegetarians don't eat meat (and that includes fish and seafood) or meat by-products like gelatin or animal rennet but they do eat eggs and milk and honey and things made from them.

Vegans don't eat meat,eggs,milk or honey or anything with these things in.

Vegans don't buy leather or wool or silk or any other material made from animals.However some vegetarians do this too so I haven't listed it as a vegan characteristic.

vegetarians don't eat the animal themselves. vegans don't eat the animal or the animal product.

I'm a vegetarian, but not a vegan so I'll drink milk and eat cheese but I won't eat a cheeseburger unless it's soy.

Vegans wouldn't eat any of that except for the soy.

Soy is acctually one of the most healthy foods in the world.

vegetarians eat eggs,milk (dairy produce)
where as vegans dont


Veggies are only half way down the path of self righteous, holier than thou attitude with only slight tendencies towards preaching behaviour.

Vegans are the masters of all time space and relativity they have full control of, and have fully mastered the art of total self righteousness they can often be seen to walk on water and can preach to the entire world by thought alone. As a result we should all just hand over our souls and freedom of choice to these wonderful and great people after all they always know best.

Forget about the peoples of this world who have no food, forget about all others harms in this world, forget about the silly little facts like every 40 seconds a child dies due to malaria !!!!

As we all know that eating meat is clearly the greatest fault that mankind is guilty of on this Earth thanks to the wonderful efforts of SOME of our nobel vegan leaders

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