What wine should we drink with a prawn curry?!


What wine should we drink with a prawn curry?

A nice Chardonnay fresh from the fridge or a Sav Blanc. I personally like the Australian stuff.

Chilled dry white wine.

Hot spice in Asian, Thai, curry and chili pepper dishes can numb the palate. Many of these foods also have high acidity from citrus ingredients such as lime juice as well as sweetness. Therefore, you need a wine with an acidic backbone as well as a touch of sweetness such as an off-dry California sparkling wine with lots of fruit.

A very famous wine expert said "only snobs and pseudo wine experts think there is a right wine for fish and one for meat,its a load of rubbish,drink what you like"

I rest my case,so its zinfandel for me with every meal ?

I agree with a previous answer, the spices and strong flavours of a curry can mask those in a wine, so the best accompaniments are acidic whites with plenty of fruit. I would strongly recommend trying Gewurtztraminer (despite its German-sounding name it's actually from the Alsace region of France) - these wines have a strong floral and fruit bouquet, with lots of ripe fruit flavours (lychee & pineapple) and enough acidity to counteract the curry. Anbother good choice would be a dry Riesling, and those from Southern Australia (particularly the Clare Valley) are very good - again, dry, crisp and fruity.

i think it shoulb be white wine

Any type of white wine will do, according to ettiquette. However, it's a matter of taste. If you prefer red wine, by all means drink the red wine.

Red wine goes better with red meat, though. :)

Hiya Bungle,
Most of the people recommended white, I would go in for a nice fresh rosé, as you mentioned prawn curry, it shall be towards the spicy side and a rosé would be an excellent accomplice, to the spicy prawns.
Wishing you a bon appétit!

A fishy question if you ask me but I would go for a
red,white,fizzy or whatever you favour at the time
dont try to become sophisticated.

A basic rule for choosing a wine is

" Simple wine with complex food, and complex wine with simple food”.

Also, keep in mind that spicy food goes well with wine that is less tannic.

I'd go with a pino grigio, or a chardonnay.

You shouldn't drink wine with a curry... you should drink beer.

When I lived in Asia wine was not taken with a curry.

The normal drinks would be lime juice or a glass of lager.

No need to be a snob or show off, no one will distinguish the fine aroma or taste of the wine as curry is too overpowering.

While I do agree with all those who said "drink whatever you like!" I think that you will find than a nice German style wine not too dry will go best. I did like the idea of a rosé wine (or a zinfandel) for seafood and I think it sounds good to try, but for me: I LOVE prawns, I LOVE curry and I LOVE a good late harvest Gewurztraminer (no more than a 2 or 3), That's what I would go with.............

If curry is mild then white wine(chilled). If the curry is hot and spicy try rose'.

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