My wife is a hardcore vegan and I am a meat eater...?!


My wife is a hardcore vegan and I am a meat eater...?

She is now telling me that if I do not become a vegan or veggie that she will divorce me!!!!

I love her but I do not if I can stick to a strict life style like that...

plus I work construction and have to eat at a BBQ place there is no other place to eat and I can't bring a lunch cause the is no fridge.

What should I do?

Additional Details

1 week ago
BTW... we have 6 kids...

1 week ago
BTW... we have 6 kids...

why should u change ur way of eating, she met u and fell in love with u eating the way u do.......
if u work construction then u are out there in the heat sweating, and losing calories, u need ur protein for working as hard as u do ... if shes trying to change the way u eat well then start small like add her "main dish", as a side dish with ur stake or chicken or wut ever it is u eat. enjoy and good luck with ur wife.........

I don't think its fair that she is going to divorce you just because you guys have different lifestyles.

Maybe you guys can come to an understanding like you wont eat meat at home or in her presence.
Please don't even consider divorce as an option. You guys have 6 kids. What will they think of their parents that they left each other because their eating habits were different from each other.
Wish you good luck

Maybe she's willing to compromise if you are?? My husband and I are in the same boat. But more recently he's been okay with not eating meat at every meal. So half the week he eats what I eat, while the other half he adds in a bit of meat. Then if we go out to eat at a non-vegan restaurant, he can order whatever he wants and I order whatever I want. Basically, ask her if lowing your consumption of meat will please her. And if eating whatever you want when not in her presence is okay.

thats the most pathetic excuse for a divorce ever. tell her if she divorces you, you will take it upon yourself to eat and waste more meat daily, for the sole purpose of pissing her off.

If she is willing to "divorce" you over something like that...then've really got underlying bigger problems. Apparently you aren't able to see them, either. You both need to have a serious heart-to-heart, and maybe even seek counseling. Unless she is just THAT manipulative, you have some bigger problems that have been "simmering" for a long time. I know of NO one who would give an ultimatum like that, without there being some other reason..meaning...behind it.
Especially someone who has kids (and 6 of them!) boot.
You need to find out what's REALLY behind this...

Her delivering that kind of ultimatum is a bit radical, thoughtless, and selfish.

You both need to have a serious talk or seek counseling.
To throw away marriage over that is a sign that the foundation is weakning and she may be using diet as a means to avoid her true feelings.

They your kids??
NO - pack up and walk!!!
that V&V dung is sensless.
After reading these answeres
Your being jerked about
She is about to kick you out and stick you for child support and allimoney ,,as you sweat your a$s off to pay,,.

Living a veggie lifestle is healthy for you and to keep the peace, why not let her have her way for while. Tell her if she will make you a lunch that does not need to be refrigerated, you will give it a try. She may just surprise you with some really good alternatives to meat..there are many out there now, that taste just like meat....And they do have those small carriers now that keep things hot or cold..they have gel packs in them and are about the size of a briefcase.
If her vegan style will let you have diary, you will not miss meat. And you will feel so much better. You can always have veggie burgers. I like those and I eat meat. Just look at what you can eat for instance:

Baked Hash Browns

Breaded Broccoli

Cheese Scalloped Corn

Corn Vegetable Medley

Double-Baked Potatoes

Eggplant Parmesan

Maple Glazed Carrots

Mashed Sweet Potatoes With Marshmallows

Sweet Potato Fries

I am vegan. My husband eats fish and meat. I have no problem with it. First, don't make excuses about not being vegan-it is a tough life change and not for everyone. Second, tell your wife that you would love to do split eating where half your meals out or in with her will be vegan-but when you are at work or feel like eating meat she should be fine with it.

Being vegan is a healthier way to live and this may be why she wants you to change. Small changes will show her you care, but if she loves you-she should love you ne matter what you eat.

check out my website for fun

I think you're a troll.

Is there anyway she'll compromise? You eat Vegan at home but out it will be your choice?
I can not seeing doing this to my spouse. I am doing RAW VEGAN this summer he's eating alot of what I fix but I always make something else for him. Some cooked veggies &/or meat, fish, poultry.

Well, this just doesn't make sense to me by any means.
It doesn't matter if she's a closet vegan, or an outright vegan activist, whether or not you eat meat is a completely different situation.
I am a vegan, and my husband LOVES to eat meat, all the time every time. I have made it a point to understand that he's going to eat what he wants, and I will eat as a vegan. But, I would never push him into my lifestyle like your wife is doing.

Is your marriage plummeting for other reasons? I don't understand why a wife and mother would want to drop her marriage because of a dietary difference like that!
I support the vegetarian/ vegan lifestyle, but if people want to eat meat, they are more than welcome to; as long as they don't set out to make myself uncomfortable!

I don't think you should have to compromise your food choices like others have suggested. To make sure that you're eating meat only away from the home seems kind of senseless, y'know?!
Maybe I sound like a horrid vegan. but I think you should eat what you want, and not let it stand in the way of your marriage.
If your wife is going to end your marriage for such a small reason that many couples just let pass by, than maybe the marriage is not worth it.

And, what of your children? Do they eat meat, or are they on a vegan diet?
If they eat meat, than she is a hypocrite, completely.

I don't know what else to say! GOOD LUCK!

Nothing, you are screwed! But don't worry carrots taste just like celery

if she is going to force anything on you, it is not a healthy relationship.

are you sure she's serious?

are you sure you're serious?

dude, this goes in the marraige and divorce section or whatever. stop trying to make vegans look like evil weirdos. does that place offer nothing but meat???

If your wife is so stupid to impose her will upon her husband, then get a good divorce fo mental cruelty !!!!

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