How long does it take to digest gum?!


How long does it take to digest gum?

My son for the first time just ate gum! Ehhh...he got in my purse grabbed it and ate like 2 pieces I think. I hate to think it will take forever to digest. The bad thing about it is that now he REALLY wants it. How do you teach them not to eat it and just chew?


Although chewing gum is designed to be chewed and not swallowed, it isn't harmful if swallowed. An old wives' tale suggests that swallowed gum sits in your stomach for seven years before it can be digested. But this isn't true. If you swallow gum, it's true that your body can't digest it. But the gum doesn't sit in your stomach. It progresses relatively intact through your digestive system and is excreted in your stool.

More Here:
Chewing gum can cause health problems in children if swallowed
If a small child swallows chewing gum it can lead to a variety of health problems, including constipation, dental problem, throat ulcers, and coughing fits.

Nemours Children’s Clinic in Orlando, USA have isolated "dozens" of cases which they attribute to swallowed gum, not least of which is blocked intestines.

Dr David Milov from the clinic suggests that children should not be allowed to chew gum until they are of an age to appreciate the risk involved in swallowing.

However, should your brand of chewing gum contain the artificial sweetener xylitol, research by Professor Matti Uhari of University of Oulu shows children who chewed gum (and other products) with xylitol as a sweetener five times a day suffered 40% fewer middle ear infections due to fewer bacteria being present at the back of the throat, from where the infection can spread to the middle ear.

More Here:
Are Some Kids Too Young for Gum?
Kids shouldn't chew gum until they fully understand the importance of not swallowing it. By age 5, most children will understand that gum is different than candy and is not to be swallowed.

Hope I helped!

7 years

7 years. If you swollow wayyyy too much gum then you wont be hungry and then not eat, and then not get the vitamins and stuff you need. so don't.

It takes the same amount of time to come out the other end as any other food. Read here for more info:

Just as long as it takes to digest any other food. Gum DOES NOT take 7 years to digest. That is an urban legend. It may not get fully broken down, but goes through your body the same way any other food does.

the stomach acid eats through it pretty fast .. just like anything else - 24 hours I say .. no it doesnt build up - that is such a myth!!

i think it takes like 7yrs

it doesn't digest, it comes out just like it came in.

LOL...divvy is quite correct...the body will pass it on through in about 24 hours time....surely you've been around children that have eaten crayola crayons??? Notice that the next day their stool is multi colored???? Haha...that's why companies do so much research to ensure such things are inert and non toxic...they KNOW the little ankle biters will eat them...LOL

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