Which Diet is good for human being? Vegetarian or Non Vegetarian?!


Which Diet is good for human being? Vegetarian or Non Vegetarian?

What are the disadvantages of eating Non Vegetarian foods?
Is there any lifespan difference between humans eating Vegetarian food and Non Vegetarian food?

By design, human beings were made to live on a plant-based diet. We adopted eating meat for things like taste, and not quite for the nutrition. So, of course, a vegetarian diet will be much healthier for our bodies.

And anyone who can dare say 'You won't get enough protein if you're vegetarian', you're very ignorant and should learn how to use a nifty little tool called Google. =]
Vegetarians can get all the nutrition we need without eating meat.

"A plant-based vegetarian diet is healthier and can prevent diseases. According to the American Dietetic Association, vegetarians have a reduced risk of heart disease, obesity, colon cancer, adult-onset diabetes, osteoporosis, gout, gallstones, kidney stones, lung cancer, and breast cancer. A low fat vegetarian diet, combined with regular exercise, helps reduce blood pressure and can control, or even eliminate, non-insulin dependent diabetes.

The New England Journal of Medicine (December 1990) reported a study of 88,000 nurses by Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital that found those who ate meat everyday were more than twice as likely to get colon cancer as those who avoided meat!"

Thats only part of the health factors.

"The medical evidence is clear, consistent and overwhelming. Vegetarians and vegans:

...are far less likely to get cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or osteoporosis.
...are far less likely to be overweight.
...have lots more stamina.
...consume far less pesticides in their food.
...have superior immune function.

The largest epidemiological study ever conducted (the China-Oxford-Cornell study) found that those eating the amount of animal foods typical for Americans have seventeen times the death rate from heart disease, and, for women, five times the rate of breast cancer, than those who get 5% or less of their protein from animal foods.

Meat contains 14 times the amount of pesticides as plant foods, since pesticides get concentrated as they move up through the food chain, and since they're more easily stored in fatty tissues. In 1980, six years after the pesticide dieldrin was banned, the USDA destroyed two million packages of frozen turkey products contaminated with dieldrin. (And such contamination can routinely occur without detection.) In 1974, the FDA found dieldrin in 85% of all dairy products and 99.5% of the American people. The EPA discovered that the breast milk of vegetarian women contained far lower levels of pesticides than that of average Americans. A study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine found that "The highest levels of contamination in the breast milk of the vegetarians was lower than the lowest level of contamination…(in) non-vegetarian women… The mean vegetarian levels were only 1-2% as high as the average levels in the U.S."

Here are more stunning facts about the vegetarian diet, verses a non-vegetarian's eating habits.

"1. No deficiencies. There is no nutrient necessary for optimal human functioning which cannot be obtained from plant food.

2. High fat plus cholesterol. Animal foods are higher in fat than most plant foods, particularly saturated fats. Plants do not contain cholesterol.

3. "Carb" deficient. Meat is deficient in carbohydrates, particularly the starches which are so essential to proper health.

4. Vitamin deficient. Except for the b-complex, meat is largely deficient in vitamins.

5. Agricultural Chemicals. Being higher on the food chain, animal foods contain far higher concentrations of agricultural chemicals than plant foods, including pesticides, herbicides, etc.

6. Exposure to livestock drugs. There are over 20,000 different drugs, including sterols, antibiotics, growth hormones and other veterinary drugs that are given to livestock animals. These drugs are consumed when animal foods are consumed. The dangers herein, in secondary consumption of antibiotics, are well documented.

7. Pathogenic Microorganisms. There are a host of bacteria and viruses, some quite dangerous, that are common to animals. When I eat meat, I eat the organisms in the meat. Micro-organisms are present in plant foods too, but their number and danger to human health is by no means comparable to that of those in meat.

8. Worms and other Parasites.

9. Shelf life differential. Plant foods last longer than animal foods. Try this experiment: Leave out a head of lettuce and a pound of hamburger for 1 day, which will make you sick?

10. Organoleptic Indications of Pathenogens. Plant foods give tell-tale signs of "going bad". Ever hear of someone getting sick from "bad broccoli"?

11. Heart Disease. Meat eating increases the risk of heart disease, this country's #1 killer. The correlation is an epidemiological fact.

12. Cancer prevention. Of all the natural cancer prevention substances found: vitamin C, B-17, hydroquionenes, beta carotene, NDGA, - none has been found to be animal derived. Yet most meats, when cooked, produce an array of benzenes and other carcinogenic compounds. Cancer is infinitely easier to prevent than cure. Soybeans contain protease inhibitor, a powerful anticancer compound. You won't find it in useful quantities in animal based food.

13. Disease Inducing. The correlation between meat consumption and a wide range of degenerative diseases is well founded and includes.....

14. Osteoporosis

15. Kidney Stones and Gallstones

16. Diabetes

17. Multiple Sclerosis

18. Arthritis

19. Gum disease

20. Acne. Aggravated by animal food.

21. Obesity. Studies confirm that vegetarians tend to be thinner than meat eaters. Obesity is considered by doctors to be a disease within itself.

22. Intestinal Toxemia. The condition of the intestinal flora is critical to overall health. Animal products putrefy the colon.

23. Transit time. Wholesome food travels quickly through the "G.I" tract, leaving little time to spoil and incite disease within the body.

24. Fiber deficient. Fiber absorbs unwanted, excess fats; cleans the intestines; provides bulk and aids in peristalsis. Plant food is high in fiber content; meat, poultry and dairy products have none.

25. Body wastes. Food from animals contain their waste, including adrenaline, uric and lactic acid, etc., Before adding ketchup, the biggest contributors to the "flavor profile" of a hamburger are the leftover blood and urine.

26. Excess protein. The average American eats 400% of the RDA for protein. This causes excess nitrogen in the blood that creates a host of long-term health problems.

27. Longevity. To increase ones risk of getting degenerative disease means decreasing ones chance to live a naturally long healthy life. Huzas and other peoples with large centenarian populations maintain lifestyles that are relatively meat free.

28. Well Being. I just feel better since "giving up" meat and becoming vegetarian."

You can also look at 'http://www.goveg.com/healthconcerns.asp'... for more info.

Good luck, and God bless!




i believe being balanced is part of being healthy. i don't think we should consume red meat or pork, but eating it every so often won't kill you. keeping it to white meats (white poultry) and fresh fish (not shell fish) & as many raw foods as possible. also, i think that we should try to consume as many organic foods as possible, as well as using all natural products on our skin & hair. what you put on your body affects your entire system. you don't want to use products that contain chemicals. your body absorbs a lot of what you put on it. and of course, drink plenty of water. all off this in combination w/ exercise = healthy.

i don't think it's so much about being veggie or not.

Non Vegetarian.
If you are a vegi then you dont get the protein you need. Which can stop hair or nail growth. :]

Inconclusive. However, a lot of red meat especially the fatty varieties (ground beef, sausages, etc) is not the greatest for you, and can lead to heart disease. It also can depend on family history, your own metabolism, etc, but there are a couple of things: Firstly, vegans and vegetarians are by and large almost intolerably self righteous, and furthermore, there is but NOTHING that can beat the juicy deliciousness of tearing into a huge, juicy, medium rare steak. Can you get that with tofu? No. A salad, whilst tasty on it's own will never, ever, ever, hold a candle to a T-bone. We are by design omnivores, so in reality you want a balance, with more emphasis on good carbs and fruits/veggies, and you can get proteins from a veggie diet, but denying yourself the exquisiteness of a goot meat dish every now again is just wronging yourself.

The problem with trying to lose weight and going vegan to do it is that your body needs the natural protiens, amino acids, and fatty acids that are only found in meat in order to maintain a healthy system. Dieting involves making your body breakdown and use the fat that it has stored up. The only way to do this is to eat less, eat healthier, and increase your activity level dramatically. Eating vegan only is not healthy, at all, period. Proteins are essential to the breaking down of sugars for use as energy. When your body starts to look for sources of protein to breakdown in order to process the energy it needs to function, if you haven't been ingesting these protiens than your body will start breaking down your muscle mass. You will end up worse than you were.

The thing to do is not cut meat out of your diet but to carefully choose what meats you eat- start using white meat chicken instead of dark meat. Grill your meats, don't fry them. Choose leaner cuts of red meat. Eat fish more often. And don't eat the fat on steaks (duh!)

“It is the position of the American Dietetic Association and Dietitians of Canada that appropriately planned vegetarian diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate and provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.Well-planned vegan and other types of vegetarian diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including during pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood and adolescence. Vegetarian diets offer a number of nutritional benefits, including lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein as well as higher levels of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, potassium, folate, and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and phytochemicals. Vegetarians have been reported to have lower body mass indices than nonvegetarians, as well as lower rates of death from ischemic heart disease; vegetarians also show lower blood cholesterol levels; lower blood pressure; and lower rates of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate and colon cancer.”They may also have a lower risk for some other diseases such as constipation, diverticular disease, gallstones and appendicitis. Women who eat little or no meat are four times less likely to develop breast cancer than women who eat meat reguraly.An English study that compared the diets of 6,115 vegetarians and 5,015 meat eaters for 12 years found that the meatless diet yielded a 40 percent lower risk of cancer and a 20 percent lower risk of dying from any cause. According to William Castelli, M.D., director of the famed Framingham Heart Study, vegetarians outlive meat eaters by 3 to 6 years.After reviewing 4,500 scientific studies and papers on the relationship between cancer and lifestyle, a team of 15 scientists sponsored by two leading cancer research institutions advised that those interested in reducing their risk of many types of cancer consume a diet that is mostly fruits, vegetables, cereals and legumes. They declared that up to 40 percent of cancers are preventable, with diet, physical activity and body weight appearing to have a measurable bearing on risk. In 1996 the American Cancer Society released similar guidelines, including the recommendation that red meat be excluded entirely from the diet.Heart disease does not have to be a death sentence or mean a life of cholesterol-lowering drugs and bypass surgery. By prescribing a vegetarian diet, regular exercise and spiritual nourishment for his heart patients, Dean Ornish, M.D., proved that the progression of this number-one killer can be halted and even reversed.In 1995, 683,000 people died prematurely as a result of atherosclerosis-related diseases. In other words, they died largely as a result of their meat-eating ways. This figure represents 29 percent of all deaths for that year.

Meat contains 14 times the amount of pesticides as plant foods, since pesticides get concentrated as they move up through the food chain, and since they're more easily stored in fatty tissues.The EPA discovered that the breast milk of vegetarian women contained far lower levels of pesticides than that of average Americans. A study reported in the New England Journal of Medicine found that "The highest levels of contamination in the breast milk of the vegetarians was lower than the lowest level of contamination…(in) non-vegetarian women… The mean vegetarian levels were only 1-2% as high as the average levels in the U.S."In the fall of 1996, a study showed that prenatal exposure to PCBs, even relatively small amounts, can impair intellectual development in children. Aside from fish, PCBs can be found in other high-fat foods such as cheese, butter, beef and pork. Women who plan to become pregnant were also advised by the study to avoid foods containing PCBs because the chemicals can remain in their bodies for years.An early '90s EPA report found that 95 percent of human exposure to dioxin, a known carcinogen, comes from consuming red meat, fish and dairy products. Later, chicken and eggs were added to the list. Dioxin builds cumulatively in fatty tissue. The only way to flush it out is through rigorous fasting or via lactation. When a batch of dioxin-contaminated soybean feed entered the food chain in 1997, the FDA set limits on concentration at one part per trillion. If all animal foods were held to this standard, it is likely that many would not be cleared for human consumption.

In the United States, farm animals receive 30 times the antibiotics that people do--not so much to treat infection, but to make the animals grow faster on less feed. Though perfectly legal, the practice is, in effect, promoting the selection of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Some of these bacteria can cause human diseases that physicians are finding difficult to treat. The practice is adding to the general worldwide crisis of drug-resistant disease. Each year, 60,000 Americans die because their medications were ineffective in combating bacterial strains.Every year, on average, each American becomes sick and 9,000 people die from something they ate. That something was probably of animal origin.Except in rare instances, neither the USDA nor the FDA has any regulatory powers on farms where pathogens originate. With the exception of E. coli O157:H7, dangerous bacteria are legally considered "inherent" to raw meat. It's up to consumers to neutralize pathogens with cooking. Two of the "legal" ones--campylobacter and salmonella--account for 80 percent of illnesses and 75 percent of deaths from meat and poultry. One hamburger can contain the meat of 100 different cows from four different countries. One infected animal can contaminate 16 tons of beef.The Centers for Disease Control estimates that campylobacter infects 70 to 90 percent of all chickens. Campylobacter infections give their human victims cramps, bloody diarrhea and fever and lead to death for up to 800 people in the United States each year. For 1,000 to 2,000 people per year, infection will lead to Guillain-Barré syndrome, a disease that requires intensive care for several weeks. A September 1997 sampling of supermarket chicken in Minnesota found 16 percent infected with an antibiotic-resistant strain of campylobacter.A USDA microbiologist declared in a Time magazine story on processed poultry that "the final product is no different than if you stuck it in the toilet and ate it." No wonder: A 1978 USDA rule allows poultry processors to wash contaminated birds rather than discard them or cut away affected parts. "Wash," as interpreted by the poultry industry, means "communal dunk" in what amounts to a virtual fecal soup that ensures salmonella cross-contamination.

Vegetarians have also been shown to have more endurance.At Yale, Professor Irving Fisher designed a series of tests to compare the stamina and strength of meat-eaters against that of vegetarians. He selected men from three groups: meat-eating athletes, vegetarian athletes, and vegetarian sedentary subjects. Fisher reported the results of his study in the Yale Medical Journal. His findings do not seem to lend a great deal of credibility to the popular prejudices that hold meat to be a builder of strength.
"Of the three groups compared, the... flesh-eaters showed far less endurance than the abstainers (vegetarians), even when the latter were leading a sedentary life."
Overall, the average score of the vegetarians was over double the average score of the meat-eaters, even though half of the vegetarians were sedentary people, while all of the meat-eaters tested were athletes.
A comparable study was done by Dr. J. Ioteyko of the Academie de Medicine of Paris. Dr. Ioteyko compared the endurance of vegetarians and meat-eaters from all walks of life in a variety of tests. The vegetarians averaged two to three times more stamina than the meat-eaters. Even more remarkably, they took only one-fifth the time to recover from exhaustion compared to their meat-eating rivals.
Wherever and whenever tests of this nature have been done, the results have been similar. Doctors in Belgium systematically compared the number of times vegetarians and meat-eaters could squeeze a grip-meter. The vegetarians won handily with an average of 69, whilst the meat-eaters averaged only 38. As in all other studies which have measured muscle recovery time, here, too the vegetarians bounced back from fatigue far more rapidly than did the meat-eaters.






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non vegetarian foods are bad for you and vegetarian foods are good for you :D

There is no disadvantage to being vegetarian or vegan so long as you know what to eat. Veggies live longer than meat eaters.

what a lot of ignorant people!

read vegan&proud's answer; it has everything you need to know and isn't obviously biased, uneducated nonsense.

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