What do vegetarians feed their pets?!


What do vegetarians feed their pets?

These are for vegetarians that are so because they don't want to kill animals, not for health reasons. And I am refering to animals that eat meat like cats and dogs. I know cats need meat in their diets and I assume dogs do to.

animals were created, for the most part, to eat animals. granted, there are some herbavores, but dogs & cats are not. look at their teeth. yes, they've been domesticated, but their diets, prior to that, consisted of MEAT. so, vegetarian or not, whatever your reasons, if you have pets, you should feed them accordingly. there's nothing wrong w/ giving your pets veggies, but they need more than that to be healthy and get the proper nutrition.

there are very good dog foods that are all natural & holistic, so they can be the healthiest possible. i don't believe in animal vegetarianism. and though human vegetarianism is a choice, again, regardless of why you choose to be, you need to be smart about it. there are many vegetarians who don't know how to be & they're not healthy, because they don't supplement properly.

after the flood of noah, God allowed humans to eat meat. animals, were made to. if you love your pets, you would make sure to feed them the proper diet for proper nutrition & health!

My dog's a vegetarian. He only eats rabbit food (i.e. lettuce, carrots, etc.)

carrots celery and lettuce and they are very good for an older dog who has arthritis.

They probably don't have pets because they have all died from not getting the correct nutrition.

grass clippings

yeah, that girls dog is gonna die eating nothing but lettuce n carrots. ur dogs n cats NEED protein. if u want a vegetarian formula for ur dog (which i dont think is right, they are meant to hunt and kill by nature's design) then there are dog foods and cat foods made with proteins and all the essential nutrients for ur pet so it does not starve to death on another animals diet.

probably normal everyday petfood, lol Same reason all those non-fur wearing people wear leather boots, coats and leather seats in their cars, guess cows are covered in plastic....lol

you can get special vegetarian pet food. I know someone who has a husky and she feeds it vegetarian dog food as well as leftovers from meals and stuff and the dog seems fine.

dogs can live quite happily and healthily on a vegetarian diet -i am a vegetarian however i feed my dog meat - its really up to the owner

Tuna and cheese - and cabbage to clean out little poopsy's rectum.

I feed my dog veggies and rice

There is no way to answer for ALL vegetarians.

However, cats are OBLIGATE carnivores. They need Taurine to live and this is most readily available in meat. While there are some vegetarian feline diets out there, some cats on them seem to have more medical issues. http://www.vegsoc.org/info/catfood.html...

Dogs, however, are NOT obligate carnivores. They do just fine on a well balanced vegetarian diet. There are numerous high quality vegetarian canine diets out there and dogs flourish on them. http://naturalbalanceinc.com/dogformulas...

NEITHER require meat "protein" as answered earlier. This is flat out incorrect. In fact, many dogs are sensitive to meat proteins.

As far as "God" and Noah, I didn't realize this was a religious question. Please, stay over in the Christian section rather than spread your incorrect answers around here.

Some vegetarians may wish to feed their animals only vegetarian food. Some vegetarians choose to feed only high quality or organic "humane" meat based foods. Some vegetarians don't care either way.

As long as the choice is informed. . .

those who are vegetarian the people are vegetarain but not there animals because people dont give birth to animals so if they are vegetrain nothing matters they fed anything to there pets.except vegetable

I am a vegan and highly proud of it. However my dog is a meat-eater, though after watching a slaughterhouse video of a cow's entire skin and two front legs getting torn off and her SCREAMING HER HEAD OFF I think we should start feeding Snowbie some veggie food.

Most vegetarians feed their dogs vegetarian pet foods which are as nutritious as meat foods without the cruelty; however, some dogs are allergic to the ingredients in most veggie pet foods and have no choice but to eat meat food.

Also, cats cannot survive without taurine, an ingredient in animal products. So vegetarians must feed their cats meat or let them die.

all my animals arre veggies!

We feed them what they are meant to eat and need to be healthy. Humans don't need meat but my pets do.

My cat eats Felix and Whiskas. Cats have to eat meat unlike dogs.

i made the choice to be vegetarian, and i do not impose that choice on others. that includes my pets.

my cats eat regular ol' dry cat food, but i'd like to switch them to a more natural diet soon. it can get expensive.

MEAT you twit!!! i feed my cats MEAT! those types of animals NEED it in their diet! HUMANS DO NOT!! I am not for the abuse of any animal, therefore i have to FEED my cats. cats and dogs are a whole different category.you have no argument

i feed all my cats normal cat food. meat is the ONLY thing animals can safely eat, it is natural and what they would do in the wild. humans are capable of eating many different types of food, so we don't need meat like our pets do.

Ok I'm not 100% sure but most dogs I know eat only dry dog food which is made of no meat. I would imagine a cat would be a able to eat dry food also, but I'm not sure. Another possibility is that they let their cat eat meat if they have one. A vegetarian makes a choice for themselves not to eat meat, they are not choosing to make sure that no one they are around eats meat. If a cat must have fish or meat in it's diet I would imaging that a vegetarian goes and buys the necisary canned food for their cat.

Carmen is right by nature Dogs and Cat were designed by nature to hunt!!!! SO WERE HUMAN BEINGS, If a vegetarian diet is bad for animal well guess what humans are animals to, Don't protest meat eaters, Protest war and violence. With early humans our appendix was used to help us digest raw meat, As time went on humans learned to cook and that organ went dormant. Like it or not you were designed by nature to eat animal flesh, Go ahead and give me thumbs down, But if you had half a brain you would know I was right. I have noting against vegetarians, Good luck in your diet.

LOL.. good question. Since I am a Vegan because I don't believe the human body was made to eat flesh I don't have problems feeding my dog; Meat, fish ,poultry eggs, cheese as well as veggies... In fact I make her fresh food with human grade ingredients.

Only scatterbrained vegan people can compel to have their pets, cats and dogs, to not to eat meat based food.

I feed mine soilent green. Charlton Heston used to feed his pets soilent green too.

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