So... coke zero. If it is ZERO sugar, then what am i putting into my body?!


So... coke zero. If it is ZERO sugar, then what am i putting into my body?

... lately i've quite taken to coke zero and all i wanna know is that if it is it as good as putting a nice cool glass of water into my body? I wanna know what everyone else thinks...

It's nothing more than flavoured water with a few chemicals added for good measure. You're better off drinking water from the tap.

God knows, but less sugar is better for you anyways

artificial sweetners,they are worse than sugar.

You dont have to drink it - just buy it and tip it down the sink. Everyones happy!

sodium and carbon dioxide

additives and sweetner that can lead to cancer.

You are ingesting aspartame and acesulfame K. Good eh?

Carbonated water
Colour (150d) - aka "Sulphite Ammonia Caramel"
Food acid 338 - aka "Phosphoric Acid" (Also used for rust removal!)
Food acid 331 - aka "Sodium Citrates" (Also used in photography and as an anticoagulant of blood stored for transfusion!)
Sweetener 951 - aka "Asapartame" (According to the US FDA, "the [National Cancer Institute] currently is studying aspartame and other dietary factors as part of a larger study of adult brain cancer." You might want to wait for the results before you drink it. Also, avoid this one if you're moody!)
Sweetener 950 - aka "Acesulfame Potassium" (Looking for reasons to avoid this sweetener? Look no further...)
Preservative 211 - aka "Sodium Benzoate" (Undiluted this stuff isn't too bad... Just don't let it touch your skin!)

Yum, Yum.

It has sweetners in it which can cause erosion of enamel on the teeth but so does sugar. its not as good as drinking a nice cool glass of water no way

No,not as good as a glass of nice cool water.Coke zero has artificial sweeteners and other ingredients that are not really that good for you.

It's splenda. It says on the label what is in it.

I love Coke Zero! I drink it every day. The two main problems with it is that the caffeine inside is addicting (I'm addicted) and being addicted to anything isn't natural or right. And the other thing, is that it makes me crave other sweet things because it gives me a sweet fix that I like. I still drink it though, and don't see much harm. Doctors say not to go over 4 cans a day, and I'm well under that!

Something much worse, artificial man made chemical sweeteners with many suspected side effects.

well, there are artificial sweeteners in it.

and some of these like aspartame are not very good for you, i am not sure what they do to you, but i remember our science teacher going on about it.

also there is Phosphoric acid in it, which reduces the amount of vitamin D you can use, there for lowering you calcium intake, because this lowers the amount of calcium you can absorb.

hope this clears it up for you.#

I usually try and avoid sugarfree things in general, as they all have these chemically enhanced sweeteners e.g aspartame, which is 300 times sweeter than sugar and totally not good for your body! And this includes coke zero. Sugar is better as its natural! OVIOUSLY. X X

I don't know what is in it. I personally wont drink coke products, Because when I want to get grease out of clothes. I will put 1 can of coke in the wash, It takes the grease right out So imagine what it does to ur insides. I stay away from all soda.

Sugar free drinks are full of chemicals. God knows what these chemicals will be doing to our bodies over time.

Sorbitol and artificial sweeteners are the worst offenders. Have a look on the Net and see the side effects they cause.

It is gassy water with a colour in it. It is worse then beans for making you fart.

There is a widely unknown fact about artificial sweetners. Beverages that have little or no calories almost always have artificial sweeteners. These artificial ingredients, that do not exist naturally in the environment, are even worse for the body. Since artificial ingredients are not found in nature, your body cannot recognize them as food nor use them for energy.. Therefore, your body just stores them as fat.

Water is ALWAYS better than soda. Soda contains so many chemicals in order to keep it fresh. If you drink too much soda you can wear away at your enamal on your teeth and possibly even get acid reflux. Check out the link for ingredients to Coke Zero:

If your body could talk it would tell you it hates surprises. it would say lets keep things simple and orderly.the way morther nature intended.

After all ensuring this piece of machinery runs smoothly, 24 hrs aday, 7 days a week years after year, is complex full time job." complex indeed, but even more remarkable is that your body is completely self-regulatory. it looks afther itself.

Unfortunately for our body, mordern day lifesytyles make its task of maintaining a perfectly healthy balance much difficult.

Little or no exercice/ rushed meals, junk food, pollution, cigarettes, excessive alcohol, lack of sleep, pressure to perform all take thier toll, deprives your body the right fuel mix works to weaken the immune system.yes easy living is hard on the body.

To gain perfect balance your body needs not just regulor exercise and nourishment, but the right nourishment. The correct blent of nutrints in the right quauntities,

Furthermore it is a fallacy that if a little is good , more is better. So remember; when seeking a nutritional supplement the closer you can get to nature the better your body will respond.

ZERO coke is absolute rubbish. Stick to the water.

If you're using coke zero to replace normal coke, I'd say that's a good thing as you're reducing your calorie intake. Obviously water is better for you as it's purer, but hey, everyone needs a treat once in a while!

The food scares about artificial sweeteners etc are based on bad science! You would need to eat about a couple of hundred kilos a day of each "bad chemical" for them to cause you any real harm. There are far more dangerous things out there you could be worrying about (alcohol, cigarettes...)

You are drinking a chemical concoction. Water is safer in the long run.

It's full off brain-shrinking artificial muck.

i think milk or water is best for your body plus it doesnt matter if coke or fizzy lemonade has no sugar its still bad for you.

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