Balsamic Vinegar?!


Balsamic Vinegar?

A friend gave me a bottle from Trader Joe's of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena. How do I use it?


Can be prepared in 45 minutes or less.

3/4 pound 1/2-inch-thick boneless sirloin steak
2 teaspoons vegetable oil
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/8 teaspoon dried hot red pepper flakes
3 tablespoons medium-dry Sherry
1 tablespoon soy sauce
2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar
1 teaspoon honey
1 tablespoon cold unsalted butter

Pat steak dry and season lightly with salt and pepper.
In a large heavy skillet heat oil over moderately high heat until it begins to smoke and add steak. Cook steak 1 1/2 minutes on each side for medium-rare meat and transfer with a slotted spatula to a small platter. Keep steak warm.
Pour off almost all fat from skillet and add garlic and red pepper flakes. Cook garlic mixture over moderate heat, stirring, 10 seconds and add Sherry. Boil mixture until almost all liquid is evaporated and remove skillet from heat. Add soy sauce, vinegar, and honey and bring to a simmer, stirring. Add butter and stir over low heat until incorporated. Spoon glaze over steak.

Serves 2.

This is soooo good!

use it as a dressing in salads or eat cheeese with that as a dip

You can mix it with oil and make salad dressing.

mix it with oil for a salad dressing.

Pour a small amount on a plate with an equal amount of olive oil and dip french bread in it or just sprinkle on salad with some olive oil for a delicious (low fat) salad dressing.

wisk olive oil and small amount of sugar it make a great dressing for salads or marinade zuchinni and grill. So much you can do with balsamic

Use it in salad dressings as you would any viengar. It is slightly sweeter than the others.

splash small amounts over the top of any pasta dish just before eating, (spaghetti, rigatoni, etc.) prefferably with maranara sauce. If you like the taste add more but a little goes a long way, especially considering tomatos are also very acidic.

You can use it as a salad dressing or as a marinade for meat and poultry. It has a sweet taste, so it is especially tasty on a grilled steak. You can use it as a salad dressing, add a little olive oil, some parmesan cheese, salt & pepper, and it tastes great!

You can use it in marinades or salad dressings. Good Stuff if you like that little taste of vinegar. Good Luck with this.

This is used mainly in a vinaigrette. Take a taste of it, wasn't as bad as I had thought either. I can be used in marinades also. Do a search on it and learn as much as you can about it

this is one of my favoret ingrediants
use it as you would any spice or ingrediant...if your recipe needs wine (white or red) use that if you dont have adds a very italian flavor to italian dishes.
add it to spagetti or raviolis' in marinara sauce its delicious!
my personal favoret is this
all you need is whole basil (not dried), pastrami (or salami you can also use turkey if your a vegitarian), olive oil, basalmic vinager, french bread (prefebaly fresh) and mayo.
it makes a hell of an italian sandwich add the olive oil and vinager to the basil wich should go on top of the salami and you should know the rest if you know how to make a sandwich ;P jkjkjkjk

Just like any vinegar. Just remember that the flavor of Balsamic Vinegar is stronger so use a little less than the recipe calls for. It is wonderful, makes so many recipes so much better, try it you'll find you are hooked on it just like the rest of us. ;)

as a body lotion
for cleaning the road dirt from the car fenders.
as a bath room deodorant
OF course you can use it in a salad
or as a substitute for butter (?) evoo and that dung..
to dip your bread in
It is just another money trick for the vinigar and wineries to dispose of their product that did not sell for years..

Mix half parts of balsamic vinegar and roasted raspberry chipolte sauce(buy at any grocery store near the bbq sauce isle) for a great tasty salad dressing. Its sweet and spicey. Enjoy!

Salad dressings with balsamic, tend to be just like ordinary dressings only darker.

Place the balsamic into a pan and bring to the boil and reduce (not too thick).
Keep the windows open this will clear any sinus problems.

Once reduced, cool. The natural sweetness and flavour now begins to appear.
Next time you have a salad drizzle on some olive oil and a few squiggles of the balsamic. (will keep in the fridge for months)

You can make a very and simple nice vinegrette with some olive oil and a little salt and pepper which you can put on a salad or use as a marinade for chicken!

All kinds of ways, one of my favorites is to reduce some and use it like a desert syrup. Here's a bunch more.

you can marinate steaks with it and olive oil and garlic, you and reduce it and use an interesting and different syrup on ice cream...(well a better brand you can)just open it and taste it with ur finger and you will understand how it taste and what you can use it with (more than just a salad dressing, but that too)

for something different, toss some strawberries with a little sugar and the balsamic vinegar. Let it set for about 15 minutes and then serve over vanilla ice cream.

I like to pour some balsamic vinegar into a sauce pan and put over low heat. Let vinegar reduce by about half (half the amount you started with). It turns into a very nice syrup that is to die for on fresh strawberries, no sugar needed. Please try, it is wonderful!

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