Meatballs? has anyone got a qick recipe?!


Meatballs? has anyone got a qick recipe?

have got mince onions and garlic, do i need to roll them in flour? and then what? havent got a clue. any answers would be very much appreciated.


1 1/2 lbs. ground beef
1 c. milk
1 c. cracker crumbs
1 c. catsup
4 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
2 tbsp. vinegar
4 tbsp. brown sugar
1 tsp. liquid smoke (optional)

Mix beef, milk and cracker crumbs and roll into 1 inch balls and put in large pan. Bring to a boil remaining ingredients and pour over meatballs. Bake 2 hours at 250 degrees.

campbells in a can asda

I'm not sure but go to
I am sure you will be able to find one there

I would add a little egg, not too much..

have you ever tried potato pancakes? The Ukrainians call them "Durino's" I think, cook them slow and with a lot of love :-)

1 lb ground meat
1 lb Italian breakfast sausage (Owens)
2 tsp Italian seasoning
4 slices white bread, torn into pieces then get wet
2 eggs

combine all together, form 1-2 inch balls. Either bake in oven at 375 or boil in water. Water must be at a rolling boil.

put the hamburger in a mixing bowl. mix 1 cup of sour cream 1 cup shredded velveeta cheese 1/4 cup of minced onion 1 cup of rice or bread crumbs or oatmeal. add 2 tbl spoons of garlic 1 tsp of italian seasoning,2 eggs. mix well and form into meal balls than fry. you can also make a gravy and put over them(like the gravy you make for biscuits & gravy)

mince onions and garlic are all you need for meatballs. for a tomato sauce use a tin of chopped tomatoes, a tablespoon of creme fresh (sp), a squirt of passata and some herbs and spices (i use italian spicy herbs, black pepper some spicy season all) then there you go! My sauce is never the same twice. I liked the one I made last week better than this weeks but experiment and you'll be amazed what you can do at no or little calories.

INGREDIENTS: -1 lb of ground beef -1 egg white -1/2 cup breadcrumbs (use plain or italian) -3 cloves of garlic, minced
-1 tsp of oregano -1/2 tsp of paprika -1/2 tsp cumin -a pinch of curry powder (trust me, it's really good) -salt and pepper to taste -sauce (see below).

DIRECTIONS: Use your hands to mix all ingredients together.
Add sauce and continue mixing. You can use any type of
pasta sauce if you'll be serving the meatballs with pasta.
Otherwise, try other types of sauces you may like - a
personal favorite of mine is b-b-q sauce. Add enough to
moisten the mixture, but not to drown it. Shape meatballs
into any size you like.

Place the meatballs around the border of a plate.
Cover then with plastic wrap and cook for 6 minutes in the
microwave on medium to medium-high temperature (I use 6).
Take out, uncover (be careful not to burn yourself with the
steam that has collected underneath the plastic wrap), and
drain the fat. Cook on high for about 4 minutes more.

With 1 lb of ground beef, you should be able to cook the
meatballs in two batches.

Have a nice day! Bye.

My world famous meatball recipe should do you a treat. Take your meatballs and roll them into a small tin of ravioli, then crumble two weetabix and mix in till a moderate concistancy. Add half a shot of whiskey and bring to the boil in a shallow frying pan, great some parmasan cheese for taste and serve on side dish of cheesecake and boiled eggs on toaste.

meatballs in a gravy sauce mixed with herbs and spices

for spagetti & meatballs???

i just add ground meat, garlic, salt & pepper mix and ball up. Then i brown them, when the look about done, i add my prego, spiced up :)

Mix in some Italian-flavored bread crumbs into the meat mixture. It makes them really moist. You can also add an egg and a little barbecue sauce. If you have a spaghetti sauce to cook them in already, you can heat the spaghetti sauce in a pan and put the meatballs directly in the sauce for about 30 minutes. If not, you can just bake them, but it takes about the same amount of time.

I prefer to make meatballs from minced lamb, garlic, onion, fresh chopped parsley and oregarno and rosemary, and a pinch of fresh chopped chilli (not too much as you want to be able to taste the rest of the flavours) and an egg or two to bind the whole lot together. I make mine small about the size of a walnut in its shell.
I make a tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes, garlic and fresh basil. Cook all the sauce ingredients and reduce by simmering for several minutes. Then whizz the sauce mix with a handblender. Whilst the sauce is simmering, I then place the meatballs in the pan and cook for 20 minutes or until the meatballs have cooked right through. They are yummy, served with thick slices of crusty white bread.

3 lbs. ground beef
4 eggs
2 c. seasoned bread crumbs
1 1/3 c. milk
Mix well and shape into small meatballs (mixture will be loose). Place on cookie sheet and bake at 325 degrees for 20 minutes. Drain on paper towels. (If preparing ahead, meatballs may be frozen, but should be fully thawed before proceeding with next step.)
3 bottles chili sauce
1 c. brown sugar
2 cans favorite beer
Mix well in crock pot or large saucepan. Add meatballs and simmer on low setting for a minimum of one hour. The longer the meatballs simmer, the thicker the sauce and the tastier the meatballs. Makes 4 to 5 dozen.


3 lbs. ground beef
1/2 to 1 c. cold water
Onion powder to taste
4-6 eggs
Garlic salt to taste

Mix all until fluffy. Add Italian bread crumbs. Mix well. Form mixture into small balls, put on tray and bake in oven until lightly browned (not the oven), 10 to 15 minutes at around 350 degrees. Preheating the oven (not the husband) helps.


2 bottles chili sauce
1 bottle water
1 sm. jar grape jelly

Heat with cocktail meat balls.

1 lb. ground beef/mince (450 g)
1/2 cup breadcrumbs, dry or fresh (118.3 milliliters)
1 small onion, finely diced
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
1 egg
Salt & Pepper
Optional (but MUCH better with):
grated parmesan

1) Mix beef with onion, garlic, seasonings, breadcrumbs, and egg. Work together, but don't overwork (it will make them touch).

2) Form into meatballs (about golfball size) and place on platter until all are done.

3) At this point you may fry in oil - a couple of tablespoons heated in large skillet (until well browned on all sides) and place in sauce to finish cooking or you may bake on sheet in oven @ 350 F/175 C/Gas Mark 4 for 25-30 minutes.

Good luck, hope all goes well!

quickest I've ever seen,
mix the mince with a packet of rehydrated poultry stuffing /paxo

season the stuffing to taste before adding it to the mince like maybe add a little more salt or some basil oregano or to stay quick and lazy a few veg oxo cubes

then take small table spoons of mixture and rool (not roll) into balls and place onto a baking tray (maybe with a bit of foil on it and continue until mixture finished .
Then put in to oven to cook and brown at same time no worries about them sticking to the bottom of the pan when browning them.

then add to your sauce and if you're really pushed for time
add them to either a jar of tomato psta sauce or if very very desparate a tin of cheap tomato soup and just add more seasoning (or oxo cubes ) to taste

it may not be gourmet but its definetly edible and well did say quick

Put mince a squirt of tomato paste some onion in a blender give it a wizz form in to balls and put in the fridge for half an hour, mean while, fry some onions in a pan add a tin chopped tomatoes, some mixed herbs, put in a oven proof dish add the meatballs and cook for about 45 mins in a moderate oven.

make the meatballs as normal put them in the fridge until cool this helps to keep them together then place into a frypan cook until brown add a tin of tomato soup or two depending ont he amount of meatballs then simmer until cooked and soup is a bit thicker and serve with spaghetti or rice

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